Why does it feel so undercooked compared to Steam?

Why does it feel so undercooked compared to Steam?

Attached: EGS.jpg (1133x745, 126.3K)


Because it hasn't had 20 years of continuous development like steam has? retard.

People keep using it anyway so they refuse to improve

who are these """people"""

>Been around for 4 years
>Still feature barren
>Acted like adding a shopping cart was a major achievement

Have you heard of Fortnite before?

Because it is. Sweeney wants to build a monopoly but not put in any effort to actually compete with steam. It's why what he does is buy off exclusives and pay journos off to run propaganda pieces against steam ,which he did for like the year. You still see some pretty blatant EGS shills here which all seem to be 3rd world types since I guess it's cheaper.

didn't know every website needs 20 years of continuous development to reach modern standards

>Game comes out undercooked
Why is this so normal nowadays?

Attached: 1657817278739.png (1215x902, 2.83M)

It needs 20 years of continuous development to not feel lesser compared to another website that HAS had 20 years of development. Fucking think before you type.

they never cared about selling products or becoming a real "competition" (already existed). they're a chink company and their only goal is division to destroy the pc market and turn pcs into consoles that you have no control over

Why does it look like a mobile/tablet interface?

Why not just put in those 20 years of features into your own website? Steam seems to be a decent base to build off of, why not just rip it off instead of waiting years before implementing features like a shopping cart?

LOL, no. You don't need that much time to catch up. You just need to copy all the good features and build on top of that. There's a lot of things steam developer and then dropped and figuring out it wasn't good. Their final product shouldn't take longer than a few years to replicate nearly every feature.

Not the same guy, but you are a retard. Implementing every steam feature on your site its not an easy task and it needs at least 5+ years to incorporate those existing features even by copying them.
By 5+years I mean that Timmy should put like 90% of his resources and focus on his site in order to catch up with steam.
We all know however that Timmy is playing dirty and doesnt want to coexist with gog and steam so polishing his store is not a priority. His priorities are to make unreal engine as mainstream as possible, injecting stupid shit to keep fortnite alive and convince game devs to actually publish their games there instead of steam.
People who actually use it are retarded anyways and dont mind the lack of features. The free games are more than enough because they are a bait to force gamers have EGS installed on their computers

I'm not reading your retarded baby drivel. Your understanding of how these things work is infantile at best and seeing you attempt to vocalize your moronic ramblings is an unwelcome interruption to an actual discussion.
Fuck yourself

You don’t even need EVERY feature. Smart money says 70-80% of your playerbase doesn’t give a shit about trading cards and profiles and all that bullshit. But basic stuff like user reviews, game forums, download moving, cloud saves, etc., plus crucial QOL stuff like the controller rebinder, controller-friendly navigation, external shortcut adding, mod management… and then jump out in front of Steam Deck with more robust performance profile management (currently only for Deck), Remote Play/Together, etc.

What kills me is EGS could do AMAZING things with the Steam mod workshop concept for UE-based games with UGC, especially by encouraging it. Add a simple UGC component to Fortnite and build a prototype ecosystem around it… bam you got the framework for all UE-games on EGS. What could Valve do to compete, rip that off for Source games? Who the fuck is making source games?

Epic has the most popular game in the world and the most popular ENGINE in the world and somehow can’t figure out how to leverage those into a PC ecosystem worth using. It’s like snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, over and over again.

99% of games still don't have achievements
still no store cart

only reason to ever open it is to redeem the free weekly games that sit in my library uninstalled / unplayed because I either already played them on steam or have no interest in playing them because they're shovelware.

i might buy alan wake 2 when it comes out though, unless it's on PS5 which I might just buy it on there to not support EGS.

Epic Games Store may truly be one of the biggest displays of corporate hubris I've seen in gaming this past decade. It's up there with Stadia, Artifact, anything Bioware, and Battleborn.
Gaming corporations aren't exactly wrong in that consumers will eat up most slop they're served, but there is a limit to how much people bullshit people will put up with.

last I used this it took me like 5 minutes just to log on and navigate through the horrible interface to find the specific version of the game I wanted (since there were like 7 of the same exact game with different types of bundled DLC and whatever)

I played it for a week, then did something else

Came back a few weeks later and it was asking me to change my password, so I'd have to log on that email account etc., and I was just overcome by this profound sense of frustration. shit literally takes more effort than pirating. only reason I use steam is because I'm insanely lazy and can just go click, click, install, done; takes 15 seconds. if I have to spend 5 minutes on it instead then fuck it I'm just gonna pirate. there's zero excuse for a website this day and age to be this cancerous.