Best game of the 2010s and it's not even actually it is close since Kingdom Come Deliverance was incredible but Prey...

Best game of the 2010s and it's not even actually it is close since Kingdom Come Deliverance was incredible but Prey still gets my vote

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You will never be a real Immersive Sim.

if I had one complaint its that gloo balls didn't stick to gloo balls, so if you wanted to make bridges and block up doors properly you had to wedge extra shit on there.

>doesn't care about their gender
I actually picked the woman in this game.
I'm going to be ok, right bros?

The actual Prey 2 would have been the better game

>cisgender male hero
I think not.

upvoting this

i look like this and gloo like this

Friendly reminder that the original Prey was a mediocre and forgettable game and Prey 2 would've probably gone down the same path.

Personally I find the brothers at odds angle plays better.

god no, you idiots are so fucking blind

fun fact you’re a huge faggot and a contributor to why games lack imagination, fun and fucking anything that isn’t repeating modern trends or recycling old games.

soft 8/10, not the best
>repetitive enemies (booo another nightmare)
>railroaded into an Lgbt love story
>too many setups and no payoff (it was just a simulation!!)

It's fine, but I don't get the cult following this game has

On second playthrough I picked hapachad and it's clear as day the game was written for him. The girl doesn't add anything and makes some interactions weird (like the kitchen one and osme with your brother). I guess there's soviet lesbian sex.

shut your retard ass up

Fuck off bethesdrones

bethesda didn't make the game, retard

Where can I play Prey 2006?

fuck you too retarded nigger
youre a retard

Both games you named have shit gameplay.

I'd suck a dick for PREY2.

Attached: mirror-prey-arkane-studios.jpg (1920x2844, 1.04M)

done throwing your tantrum yet, you actual fucking child?

Attached: mhhm.png (296x231, 102.37K)

Attached: pirate.jpg (735x931, 129.84K)

not him, but being a contrarian won't get you anywhere. the nuprey is a fine game, but Prey 2 had more potential.

bad take

January works better with a female voice.
Its a first person game and you only see "yourself" a few times and you're a silent protagonist.

the people who suck off a nonexistent game are the contrarians. Prey 1 was a mediocre game with a couple of neat ideas, Prey 2 would have been the same. Stop treating it like some holy grail when it never even came out.

>treating it like some holy grail when it never even came out.
That's exactly why they do it.

Bethesda was the publisher you absolute fucking moron. Educate yourself you retarded ape