I need my Immersive Sim fix NOWWWW!!

List your favorite immersive sims, Any Forumsbros.

Attached: Gloomwood.png (1600x740, 1.49M)

Hitman I suppose. What are all the requirements of an immersive sim?

developed by former staffers of Looking Glass Studios
has a keypad coded 0451 somewhere in the first level
you can flick the lights on and off

>Immersive sims,
Not a thing, not a genre. Here's a pity (you).

I'd be up for any game with creative problem solving these days. Everything feels like there's only one viable approach to things now.

Filtered by System Shock 2 most likely. Don't worry bro, you aren't the only retarded faggot that couldn't figure out the Immersive sim.

Gloomwood isn't an immersive sim and it's not a Thief successor either. "Thief with guns" lmao fuck those devs. The demo is literally just first person resident evil.

>What are all the requirements of an immersive sim?
these days its pretty much any game that's you solve a problem in more than one way

you mean a fps/rpg?

>should have been out already
>now steam page says that it might release at the end of year as early access
What the fuck is going on

>first person resident evil.
How can somebody be this fucking stupid?
>The demo
The demo is old as fuck and doesn't even feature half the shit the early access version will have.

I guess rona is the obvious excuse. Many small devs pushed release by a year.

>What the fuck is going on
ultrakill act 2 came out and they didn't want to overshadow one of their own games with this one i guess so it was pushed back to 6 september.

>The demo is old as fuck and doesn't even feature half the shit the early access version will have.
this is cope on the highest level, let me know when there's actually any semblance of emergent gameplay

LOL, watch the dev's Twitter or youtube, they literally post all the new shit they add to the game. Be less of a faggot next time.

>doesn't even feature half the shit the early access version will have
Like what? I believe you, I just want to know more.

give me an actual example of emergent gameplay, or its not an immersive sim.

breakable doors
new enemies
a gun that functions like Garrett’s bow, water/rope/fire/moss ammo
disabling light sources

Please explain how this is anything like any of the RE games without using words like fps/guns/immersive

linear level design, terrible stealth mechanics (it's telling that their light-gem alternative is half-baked because they're using Unity and not something where lighting information is easily accessible during gameplay), the only meaningful interaction with any of the NPCs is violence/death, and of course there's 0 emergent gameplay

pretty sure this would be the one getting overshadowed

Does KC:D count as an immersive sim? I would argue it does and that it is perhaps the best game of the past decade. If it does not count, then System Shock 2 would be my favourite.

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