What went wrong Any Forums?

What went wrong Any Forums?

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Asmongold is a colossal faggot

It was the worst expansion ever made for WoW.

I thought that was Wrath.

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Instead of a third outland faction they made them all bosses.

Going from Vanilla -> BC was far worse than BC -> Wrath.

Wasn't fresh and the classic tards had infinite gold from rmt.

1. Players want to play on pvp servers but they also don't want an arbitrary game mechanic that eliminates being able to play with 50% of the playerbase. Blizzard has no ability to enforce faction balance without forcing server transfers, but they did allow people to have free server transfers to dead servers, then free transfers to mega-servers from said dead servers, which results in mass exodus of one faction as soon as it becomes 60-40.
2. The game has been solved for 10+ years now to the point that players have optimized the fun out of the game
3. Blizzard takes too long to address any major problems with Classic, choosing instead to letting them ride out and change them at the end of an expansion rather than resolving them immediately. See world buff meta which encouraged people to raidlog and paying for level boosting being faster and more xp efficient than actually questing or running dungeons yourself
4. Blizzard cashing in on bots rather than eliminating them altogether. Bots are banned in waves to maximize profits (usually in 6-7 month intervals to maximize when bots buy once-per-account level boosts + 6 months of gametime, which is a minor expense for botters, forcing them to immediately buy new level boosts and more gametime on new accounts) rather than to minimize their affect on the game's economy

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every sane person got burned out by metafaggot endgame in classic already
TBC is just more of the same

TBC was always "raid or die" or "be an arena gladiator or die", but it's not as fun when everyone knows what to do already. The allure of raiding and pvp is the unknown, not parsetrannying and metagaming.

i was on grob for 3 months it was actually ok until everyone capped out and turned into raid zombies.

It was never a good expansion.

Grobb is fun, I've been playing on it recently because I made the unlucky decision to play horde on benediction in 2019. But the GDKP scene got pretty bad here too

It's the solved faggot lol kys

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Set the precedent for new expansions to be an exclusive zone, which kills the previous content.

tbc sucks, but so does blizzard

The players ruined it. Min/maxing a game that's relatively easy and casual because its 20 fucking years old. Eliminating fundamental things like being forced to meet new people, make friends and form pugs, run around and explore the game, quest, etc ruined the game.

We need Blizzard to make Classic+ lol
Fuck no lol

This really is the essence of WoW.

It was always at its most fun when people didn't know 100% what to do or what was broken and didn't care to min/max. The moments right before and after a launch were always the best because would do random shit, world pvp, and just try things together making up their own fun.

I once started a war in the Lunar festival area that kept going for days during one of those down times and leveling with random groups from chat in Tanaris was a lot of fun when you made do with who was there. A big fun world with a little structure will have players making their own fun, once it settles into a strict raid ladder of OP specs and shit ones all the life goes out of it. But damn it was the most fun in those brief moments.

>Blizzard putting in any more effort than necessary when the company is in complete free fall and employees are quitting en masse.

we're gonna get cata classic and no one's going to play it

it was only released because vanilla classic was already dying

TBC is the level to 70 and raid T4 then stop playing expansion. Nobody whose not a RMT or mental retard played past Kara.

I stalled out in the 40s for a while with some bros on ally and pvp horde boys so we could cause constant mayhem in stv with our brawls.