Do people really think this is bad for a 1998 game? It has actual movement and level design despite the flaws

Do people really think this is bad for a 1998 game? It has actual movement and level design despite the flaws.

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>it has movement and level design
wow, what an achievement

It only had janky controls and camera. But the vibe was exactly how Sonic should be

Just exploring around to get to next stage and talking to npc was fun too, it just needed more explanation because sometimes feels you dont know what the fuck you have to do

it came 2 years after mario 64 and is 100x worse. they weny out of their way to ignore what a good 3d platformer is supposed to be

If it were Mania that came out in 1998 instead the series would’ve been very criticized for not evolving and transitioning into 3D like many people like to joke about.

It's not some holy grail like mario 64 but I think it's a pretty good transition into 3D

It's bad next to S3K that basically killed 2D Mario.

Then why did Mega Man, Pokemon and Kirby make it out just fine? The "criticism" only existed on platformers, which was retarded anyways.

Mega Man had Legends
Pokemon had Stadium. Mainline being handheld only gave it a pass.
Kirby had some 3D on N64. Don't remember if it used background and foreground for obstacles.

I think it's not only just 3D gameplay. Seems like critics were content if it just used 3D graphics.

Mega Man was dead for a long time.

>Mega Man had Legends
Literally shit
>Pokemon had Stadium.
Literally shit but was a obvious mini game like Mario Party, so no one considered it a real 3D entry
>Kirby had some 3D on N64.
So what, all you want is for the game to be rendered in 3D? Mania has that.
No, Kirby 64 is a 2D game, cut the shit. Yall faggots don't consider Colors 3D, so neither does Kirby
Not in the 90s, X was flourishing just fine until that went 3D in the 2000s and killed off that series as well.

I played like an hour into it and most of it is cutscenes where characters talk like shit and nothing really happens. Then you play the game and its so janky, got to the Tails Eggman fight before I turned it off. About 10 minutes of playtime in an hour.

It was phenomenal. It had its flaws and was somewhat tedious at times. But overall it was a very satisfying experience and had a clearly superior visual finish to its contemporary competitors. In addition to having a very interesting story and characters (except for that fat cat...) and an excellent soundtrack.

>Literally shit
So surreal to see this take when MML used to be beloved. Did some Youtuber shit on it or something?

Sex with Amy

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Mania is a great game that exists as a deliberate retro throwback though so who cares about this fake imaginary scenario?

With Castlevania, 2D won out pretty hard

There is not good 3D Sonic game. Now, or in 1998.

SA1 was fantastic if you subtract the gimmicks (flying, driving, casino, fishing, bosses, overworld). It's sad they didn't stick did the the formula of the first game and expand upon it.

sanic adventure is one of the worst games ever made
people pretend that 06 is where things went wrong, but it was way before that

It was really well received at the time, but then sonic 06 was bad so that meant all 3d sonic would be bad

most of your kind killed themselves since the late 90s
i'd be happy to see you join them

I do. Super Mario 64 was already out by this point and controlled fine. No excuse for this slippery eyesore.

I'm a big Dreamcast fan overall but alot of the "classics" like Sonic Adventure and Shenmue are terrible to me.

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Are you talking about Islamic terrorists or trannies

Sonic adventure is bussin frfr no cap way better than heroes I can't believe that cringe lord ls mark would like a game as cringe as heroes

tired of pretending it's not the best Sonic game with Heroes following directly behind it

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depressed young men
please join the dead asap