They're remaking the childhood games of zoomers now, what a decade

They're remaking the childhood games of zoomers now, what a decade.

Attached: maxresdefault (17).jpg (1280x720, 150.39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Dead Space
Zoomers were little kids when this came out.

>picture blatantly lying
for what purpose

Remakes are dumb, but remaking anything released after 2007 is straight up retarded


Dead space would probably benefit from even crazier lighting shenanigans but no game this young should be remade.

Why didn't they just made Dead Space 4 and make it as good as 1.

Did you forget Resident Evil?

the answer to any 'why isn't this better?' is usually: money
Dead Space 4 costs more money than Dead Space Remake, and Dead Space 4 isn't guaranteed to make as much money as Dead Space Remake

The oldest when this came out were 12.

That's not a zoomer. That's a millennial. You're retarded.

Zoomers are 96/97 onwards. You're retarded. They have a 15 year gap like all generations you mindless cunt

12 year olds weren't playing this, 17 year olds and up were.


12 year olds were, and they were playing the series as it released too.

Games are shit nowadays and I just want to replay dad space. I'll wait a year and grab it for 10-15 bucks.

>17 year olds and up were
Lmao sure bud

how ironic that DS's desecrated corpse will continue limping on like a necromorph

It's an ultraviolent M-rated game. Do you think millennials stopped playing games when they enter high school? If anything you're the zoomer.

As a black man I'm looking forward to the Dead Space remake, if you retards were unaware it's damn near impossible to get it running correctly on current Windows. So if only for that reason it's a good thing, the improved graphics are just a cherry on top.

It's rated M for Mature, tardo.

Why is it that people still have old consoles, but they don't have old OSes for computer games?

Oh i get it now, you're underage shitposters pretending to be "oldfags"

Attached: 1652910360505.jpg (719x719, 62.22K)

>it's damn near impossible to get it running correctly on current Windows
only if youre a drooling troglodyte

>kids don't play violent games
>zoomers parents suddenly cared
You're out of touch

Still not able to play this game because it was rated MA.

many such cases..

So? I had GTA3 at 11.


That would be illegal, son. If you have a shred of dignity you'd turn yourself in now.

I bet you think current kids are zoomers too.

I was 14 when I played this. And I reset EA for killing the franchise and resent them even more for trying to revive it because it's a named IP they can rehash.

Illegal to sell. Not to own.

I played san andreas when I was 6. Gen z parents did not give a fuck. Granted though, my brother who was 16 got the game
>been 11 years since dead space 2 and 15 since 1

Im sad

That makes you millennial therefore this is an exclusively millennial game

*Gen x parents

Just because there existed kids who played it doesn't mean they were the target audience nor the primary audience. That's like saying because some irresponsible parents let their kids watch Goodfellas that means it's a millennial movie.

>a game xzomers grew up with means it's exclusively millennial
It's both.

No, Dead Space is millennial. You judge the generation something belongs to by its target audience.

>new Saints Row
>explicitly said to appeal to millennial
>releasing during the alpha generation to appeal to people 29 plus

EA is remaking Dead Space because the creators fucked off. Now they are free to fuck it up all over again without them getting in the way for EA to microtransaction the fuck out of Dead Space all over again.

I'd say zoomer games would be more 2009 games onwards

No, fuck off