Why is it boring for me?

Why is it boring for me?

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Because you're not with Jas!

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The game is boring, duh.

Because it doesnt have dopamine releases every 15 seconds.

It’s supposed to be boring.

I liked it a lot more with mods, particularly ones that expanded the characters but then I just sorta realized that I was only playing for that so instead i just jumped over to visual novels and now I have no interest in continuing my SV playthrough.

You're likely a zoomer

because it's a shit game

Harvest Moon and Rune Factory did it first and did it way better

Because it is a boring game

This, you aren't playing it right without her.

Because is not your thing. Maybe because you are way too young and you think games like shitnite is more fun.

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>git autism
It's as easy as that to enjoy the game

Anyone have a good recommendation for a unique buildings for Kegs and casks? Something like this mod for example. Btw this one is updated and doesn't work anymore, I'm just showing it as example.

Attached: swdefr.jpg (663x434, 71.25K)

It is boring. I played it for like 2 weeks, got married, and quit. I also did a vegan run so *dab*

Git gud

Search for 'buildings' on Nexus and sort by last updated since there are way too many to link, not sure how many of them let you select the shed individually though. The only updated individual shed mod I found was this one.

I browsed Nexus for a while and all I found was skins. No unique buildings or anything. The few ones are like 4 years old and of course doesn't work. I guess no exist any. I'll have to settle with common sheds.

You have too much testosterone to enjoy it

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Not enough anime samefaces for you, weeb?

Stardew requires mods