Vanilla experience is insufferable, you have to mod the game to have any enjoyment out of it

>Vanilla experience is insufferable, you have to mod the game to have any enjoyment out of it

Attached: 1562509994099.jpg (382x822, 130.17K)

thanks for the filters user

You're welcome, it's a very old image though

It's getting to the point where it'd be easier to just find these faggots and stomp their heads in in minecraft then in real life

well we know where the BBC discord raider lives so that's a start.

>he's in
I miss mystery niggas

>now that the dust has settled
Those threads piss me off only because I hate that fucking sentence so much.

Attached: 88120E8F-65F1-4667-B03B-9E0699DD6826.gif (498x498, 2.36M)


remove frogs

lmao i have a bypass extension get cucked


Attached: popup.png (319x541, 19.39K)

>check em
Better times...

I filter all posts that include an image with a mobile filename format

would be kino if there was a filter that recognizes if the filename looks like a hash, bonus points if it filters iphone filenames

Imagine being this much of a redditor
Who the fuck cares about on topic discussion specially about da games
grow up man-child


just stop browsing the board

Attached: 1486867669947.jpg (739x734, 170.44K)

That's like 95% of Any Forums threads.

I've wanted to get my filters up and running but I can't be arsed to learn Regex for the sole purpose of making this site a bit less shit. Call it board culture or call me a newfag all you want, this site isn't the same as it was even a decade ago, and pretty much every new meme is some variation pepe, wojak or chad, with the same threads every fucking day (like that stupid barcade one).
I honestly don't know why I'm still here.

Based. I started enjoying Any Forums more when I went back to embracing the cancer. You might as well stop using the site if you have to filter that much.

Can you explain what the brackets, curly braces, and their contents indicate
I'm trying to read most of the samples of this language here but the function is escaping me

It's pretty telling that shit like
>onions / basedboy
>baka desu senpai
are filtered, but
>built for bbc
which have been spammed for just as long or longer and are exclusively used for off-topic shitposting are still allowed.


it's regex I can barely comprehend it myself

I don't see anything there that can bypass user made regex filters, even mass replies are veryv easy to filter since you can just count the amount of > and if it's too high you can remove the post.

between the [] brackets it contains ranges from a-f, A-F, and 0-9 which is the sets of numbers iphone generates for images

but the format is more than just one string with that, so between the {} brackets it tells the filter that its 5 strings containing 4, 8, or 12 characters each one separated by "-"

the end result is its gonna filter filenames like pic related while avoiding different formats

Attached: file.png (296x21, 2.86K)

You can't bypass user filters because those happen in my pc not in the server lmao