What is the psychological profile of people who play as female night elf?

What is the psychological profile of people who play as female night elf?

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Gender dysphoria


i dunno but this sure looks like shit


Fags or my 14 year old sister (in 2006) who refused to believe that keybinds were better than mouse input

they're playing wow so mental illness I'm afraid

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Fantasy fans, or people who enjoy the nelf lore
Oh wait, you just want to talk about stupid fucking trannies AGAIN

there are two kinds of people that play female characters in mmos. the first is the coomer chad, who downloads mods to make their char as slutty as possible, gives them the sluttiest gear, etc. just wants to see a hot girl.
the second is the gender dysphoria retard, who plays a female char because they secretly want to be a girl, and flings 50 layers of cope at you to justify their choice instead of just telling the truth.

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Straight men who like pretty women

>play WoW since classic with friend
>mid TBC commission porn of their fem NE and my fem gnome
>gnome tops
>haha kinda looks like our characters doesnt it haha thats weird haha
>three days later get ghosted
>friend quits guild and vanishes from server completely
>oopsie doodle?

what a shit friend

>sends fetish porn to someone out of the blue
>wonders why he got ghosted

They are the same. Cope

I love women, simple is.

I don't know, all I did was kill them on my Orc/UD male characters. I never conversed with a single one but I always assumed they were gay men.

Liking cocks isnt gay bro

People whose autism won't let them skip out on that 2% untyped avoidance on their tank.

People of exquisite taste

its either that or blood elf to play the best tank class in the game. not much of a choice really

I remember when I was teenage I used to make fun of any male who played "pink elves".