'Star Citizen' Has Raised Nearly Half A Billion And The Game's Still Not Out

What happened, Any Forums?


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So just because half a billion sounds like a lot compared to 450 million this is somehow going to speed things up?

Derek was right
This shit was a scam all along

and yet id sooner buy more ships in star citizen than buy any AAA trash available from the same time frame

do you really want another cyber punk?

45 decamillion


I haven't played SC. I pledged like €120 for the Freelancer package because I felt it was fitting as a massive Freelancer fanboy just anxious to see more Freelancer like games in my life. I think I was pledger number 80 or something even, was there really early

Yet never tried playing it. I did see some gameplay and it looks incredibly comfy, just perfect. There's so much shit on my plate already tho...

>I haven't played SC
You have experienced just as much as someone who explored the whole map.

>the people who gave money and are now dead irl
How many peopl do you think SC grifted that fit this category.

You should unironically neck yourself

nothing, its just GAAS
also 500 mil in 20 years is nothing

>this is what SC drones tell themselves to justify being grifted

How about doing neither, you inbred retard?

I'd rather spend $200 on a fantasy ship made of 1s and 0s, than spend $60 on whatever shitty pozzed tranny game comes out next week.

Post yfw you didn't fall for Scam Citizen.

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It's always so funny to watch idiots defend this scam.

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Anyone who thinks or thought this ever was going to come out needs to go back

I pledged around 60 or 70 eurobucks back in the day. I play around 15 or 20 hours each years just to see progress and the new stuff, trying the dogfight, the FPS module, the mining, whatever shit.
While the development hell, scummy practices and retarded fanbase are sure as hell annoying, I probably got more fun and more playtime out of these 70 euros than I would have had if I had bought a shitty, sjw-infested, modern AAA game, so there's that. Not the worst 70 bucks I've spent, honestly.


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Star Citizen is never coming out. They are legally obligated to deliver SQ42, and they have funnelled virtually all of their time and resources into SQ42s development. They are keeping that development a secret as to avoid frivolous lawsuits.

Star Citizen can release in it's current state and they can get away with it. There's no reason to develop SC other than to entice more people into continuing their funding.

AAAA games take never before seen time and money to make chud

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Did that really need to be that long?

ye dissapointing i know, wish i could make it longer

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Everything according to plan, why would they release a game and potentially underdeliver when they can keep taking money from retards and telling them it's a WIP product

Why though? AAA games are playable products for regular video game prices. Star Citizen is a literal scam and the pixels you buy often costs more than a real life car. Star Citizen is 100 times worse than any triple A game could ever be. It's even worse than Gacha shit because Gacha shit too is at the very least playable. There is quite frankly nothing worse than Star Citizen in the entire gaming industry.

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>2001 a space odyssey

Imagine the fraction of the money they'd get if they actually released the unfinished trainwreck.

They found out the carrot on the stick strategy works for these retarded manchildren.

>carrot on the stick strategy
It's like a non-porn version of summertime saga kek