Any Forums, a board of pirates, when they realize people who pay for games control the industry

>Any Forums, a board of pirates, when they realize people who pay for games control the industry

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>consumers control the industry
oh i am laffin

Still not losing any money out of it.

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>Vote with your wallet
>No wallet, no vote
Sorry chuds

>payfag so mad from getting buttblasted in the other thread that he had to make a new one

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No tranny dev or publisher is going to get a single cent out of me.
Even if their games are mildly interesting at best, I'll get it from other means and never give those faggots my money.

I don't care about the industry. I just play games for fun

Who are you quoting?
I made this thread after posting this, in which there has been no argument against whatsoever.

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Funny how lefties are now all against le nasty pirates, and how you should be a good boy and feed the corpos.

>he still believes it's the customers that steer industries

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Not really. The Federal Reserve and glowies do.

>He doesn't know about ESG funds

You don't have enough power to flood a market

>You don't have enough power to flood a market
Are there not daily furry threads complete with a seemingly endless amount of porn to post?

>one thread is flooding the market
Why are furfags always retarded? It's obvious you are dettached from reality, but that is not a excuse for being stupid.

Not that user, but I'm actually worried that one of these days, one of the furries is going to have a ton of income from unknown sources that they'll become an executive ceo of one of the biggest game companies and make flood the market with furfag games.

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>The developpers face when their customer base is a bunch of white dude who like hot girls and want minimal amount of party politics injected in their entertainment

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customers are paying people user

Owning like 20 steam games puts you in the 1%. The target audience is the one who buys 2 of 3 games total.

even if we did pay the population of vee is too small to mean anything

Nice strawman+sockpuppet combo.

That's not how companies work, user.

They want you to think that so you'll give them money. It doesn't actually work that way.