Aversa > Tharja

Aversa > Tharja

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Insanely based

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she acts like your older sister if you are male robin and its just weird to romance her

Acting like your older sister makes it better

I like them both. I can't really chose between the two. They're both pretty neat.

>NBR trash
this is the only thing that makes it weird

She was only doing that to fuck with him.

She hardly acts as such. She was raised in a similar environment but Robin hardly remembers shit
Anyways Aversa is a sweetheart and deserves a quiet life

>She was only doing that to fuck him.

>Took forever for her to show up in spotpass.
>Can't recruit her until the game is basically over.
She would have way more popularity if she was available from the get-go.

Does you have the original image?

i take both

Tharja is a weirder bitch. Sorry sword cleaner

You're not wrong. That said, I do think I enjoy the more niche popularity of her. I do wish there was more art, but at least she's not butchered like Tharja has become.

Yeah.. I would go for Emmeryn everytime if she was available sooner. How easy would it be to hack said spotpass characters into your game early?

Can't imagine it would be that hard. I wouldn't know though, but it's worth looking into because I'd happily play through with the spotpass characters available early on

Based. Camilla enjoyer btw

>she acts like your older sister if you are male robin

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Aversa threads are an unfortunate rarity
I'll take the chance to keep this going as long as possible
I really ought to write that post-Awakeing story idea

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you could be shes reformed so it would be snoozers

Reformed doesn't mean she doesn't still have a rough edge

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Maribelle a cute

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I married her on my original run. Super cute indeed, even if her own haughtiness sometimes was a bit much