This is actually really good

This is actually really good

Attached: thymesia.jpg (1920x1080, 223.43K)

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It's not very long, doesn't have many bosses, and most enemies are humanoid and similar. It's polished, but I can't really say I have an interest in a short game trying to emulate Souls.

It at least could teach Sekiro a thing or two when it comes to replay value and meaningful skill trees/upgrades, and that's something.
Wound healing is also a far better mechanic to incentivize aggression than rally mechanic and posture
I think the smaller scope isn't an issue when you are doing meaningful and unique gimmicks

then pay for it

Not every game needs to have replay value. It's a good bonus, but it's not a reason to fault something. I've played Sekiro twice, and the second time was just because I enjoy it.

>but it's not a reason to fault something.
It is, replay value should be a feature all game devs need to account for
Action games allow the player to unlock more powerful weapons, tools and moves, and in Sekiro this is half assed
I think for example Plague weapons merged better in combat than prosthetics, with more uses. Same for talents modifying Saber moveset but also with interesting tradeoffs

let me know when it's Thighmesia, shill-kun

This is a ridiculous fucking stance to take and if you want to die on that hill you're welcome to hollow it out and live in it, Frodo. I'm just going to keep playing and enjoying games that I only play once.

Attached: is this guy a squid, a kid, or just an idiot.png (482x372, 176.28K)

>Wanting games to be replayable is silly
Not him but are you baiting?
Sekiro having zero replay value is literally the main complaint

Then you should find a better complaint. There's nothing wrong with wanting games to have replay value, but when it leads to you thinking it's an actual detriment to a game's quality for it not to have that replay value, you're firmly in the wrong and need to reevaluate what makes something good. Do many books have reread value? Do many movies have rewatch value? Why don't you complain about those? Because you don't think for yourself and hop on a bandwagon using a term you barely comprehend the worth of.

sounds like a waste of thyme

Sekiro is fun as fuck to replay

I read steam reviews saying the parry system is poorly implemented and enemies recover from a stagger before you recover from the parry animation, also that besides the parry there is no reliable stagger mechanic (like making contact with a 2h claymore r1 in souls for example) and that there is only 1 weapon and the game is 5 hours long. All of this sounds very bad for a price point nearing 30 loons. Is any of this true?

i can tell you that there is very little reason to parry instead of doing literally anything else most of the time and that the game is less than 8 hours long easily

Yeah, a good waste of money

Odur was fucking annoying.

You are better off deflecting currently, it's not like that but it's tight
I liked it but it was tough

How short exactly is it? Like 7 hours?
And is it all combat during those hours?

10-14 hours for a playthrough
>Is it all combat
Yeah, the game is really action focused with smooth and satisfying combat bar THAT weird animation or some npc that bugs out, so that's for the better.

>10-14 hours for a playthrough
this is a false statement

>It's not very long
Good, souls like gameplay is never good enough for more than 5 hours

>10-14 hours for a playthrough

People said that's it's apparently 8-10 at most, which is a decent length in my book. Faggots who think that 1$=1 hour should neck themselves.

It is very fun.

Still uses gray 16 point Calibri in the hud font though so no go

checked how long all the people praising it on reddit have been playing

Attached: 91dkt1zycmi91.jpg (1606x387, 94.72K)

Boss attack patterns are not diverse and there are many gaps

>yet another shitty janky souls clone
>this is actually really good
how about you tie a noose around your neck and just jump off a bridge?

I think it looks cool and the price point seems pretty reasonable. Might pick it up when I get paid. I was going to get Soul Hackers 2, but the more I see/read about it, the less appealing it looks.