>Destroys your sequel

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hotline miami suchs...


>Gets filtered by the game becoming mechanically harder while far more rewarding for snap reflexes.
The carnage and violence in HM2 feels earned, in HM1 there is maybe 1 level in jackets playthrough that will take you more than 5 minutes to beat unless youre inept.

Deathwish and Release are also complete kino, and are only kino due to their difficulty

>bigger mean smarter :)
retard take

>doesnt use the words bigger or smarter in the post
What exactly are you greentexting here faggot?

2 is unfair and filled with cheap deaths.

more like destroys (you)

>2 is unfair and filled with cheap deaths.
Except deaths mean literally nothing in hotline miami, there is zero penalty for dying.
unfair for who lmao? The game throws so many guns at you in normal that you'd have to be retarded to lose over and over. And then by the time you get to Hard mode you should be competent enough to adapt

I'm not complaining about the game being hard but unfair. These are different things. Being killed by NPCs out of screen is not what I'd call good design.

Getting killed from an enemy off screen is indeed cheap. Holding shift to scout the area still hides enemies because the maps are just so large.

>long hallway
>pick up gun and fire shots down it just in case
>solve 99% of the "bullshit"
The only bullshit levels in my mind are Casualities (due to weapon options massively punishing you),and Into the Pit because its just not a good level.

>>pick up gun and fire shots down it just in case
>two patrols, fat guys, and dodgers come from the surrounding rooms and kill you
good idea

You act as if thats an intimidating combo in the slightest LMAO.

>defending dodgers
hello dennis

shitline is just ripped off from an old indie game from the 90s, but zoomers on Any Forums never played games made before 2013

So heres the thing. if you can actively see enemies on your screen, then you bait them with your gun if needed (especially fatties).
Why would you randomly fire down a hallway if you can see the enemies? You wouldnt.

In the case where im firing and attracting, lets say 2x gunners, 2x fatties and 2x dodgers then I would only do so when I had a gun/guns capable of killing 4, and a melee weapon to swap to.
HM2 is far easier to manipulate, youre implying that its even possible to attract 6 people from offscreen with gunfire, which it isnt.

>First one looks like a real building
>Second looks soulless and low effort

Hm2 levels were fun. Its a bitch the first time but every time after i breeze through

>So heres the thing.
stopped reading here

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Seethe and dilate tranny. I had a lot of fun on pretty much all the levels getting all the achievements.
Theres such a massive divide between beating the levels and chaining a full combo to me at this point that I just see people who struggle to even beat the levels as absolute retards

Both are fun :)

So here's the thing: maybe, just maybe, imagine you had a delicious steak. Hell, daily reminder. Heck, t. incel.

This guy gets it. If you cant full combo a vietnam level you are a shitter

>i like eating shit >:)
good 4 u

The levels in 2 aren't mechanically harder. Its just trial and error
