The Gameboy Advance!

The Gameboy Advance!

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AGS101chads where we at

That's the SP.

Got mine that was the exact color that OP posted from a kid during freshman year. It had Pokémon Emerald in it too. He traded it to me for 25 dollars and a pair of sealed apple headphones I found on a walk to school that day. Told him I thought the headphones were fake but he didn't care and traded anyways. Recently reshelled it with a super famicom shell.

zoomer faggot

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What does the SP stand for?

Special, Japan likes to do this thing where they denote the final or definitive version of something as "special"
>Gameboy Advance Special
>Naruto Clash of Ninja Special
>Super Smash Bros. Special

not sure why they abbreviated it here.

hope you enjoy playing in the dark you TURBO FAGGOT

>zoomer = people who want to see the game they are playing.

Sun protection

>A two year difference

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I loved the clicky buttons on that compared to the original GBA, or maybe I was a retarded kid and was mashing on buttons too hard.

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For me, it's black+silver

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>Someone who was a kid in 2001 is different from someone who was a kid in 2003

obviously the gap is larger than that

Much more comfortable to hold and better triggers

Just get a screen mod

LMAO I literally had one of these and it sucked so fucking hard broke in like a week

It was so nice when i was a kid but now it sucks balls.

Their best handheld still.

It's not though, the post I was replying to said SP was zoomer while somehow the OG wasn't. One game out in 2001 and one came out in 2003. A kid who played on an SP was almost certainly within a year or two of one who played on an OG Gameboy.

OG gameboy advance I meant, not OG gameboy.