More players completed secret ending requiring at least 20 specific things to do in specific order than ALL of the...

>more players completed secret ending requiring at least 20 specific things to do in specific order than ALL of the normal ending variations combined
This is what happens when your game is so needlessly cryptic and has such shit quest design that vast majority of players play with a guide ready nearby. Elden Ring doesn't respect the player so most players just give up on respecting the game and read on what is the most "meta" way to play and how to get the "best" ending from the start.

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Not being a complete retard helps. I played 4 separate endings and never used a guide once, also got Ranni's first because it was a VERY straightforward questline.

>pick up fingerslayer blade at the end of Nokron
>kill shadow Blaidd
>use key to open chest that explicitly says in the description that it’s in the room with Rennala
>give ring to Ranni
Literally none of the quest is secret, and there are no ways to botch or soft lock yourself out of her questline

Game basically guides you to the Ranni ending, are you retarded?

I explored everything so naturally did Ranni's questline especially because it was related to all the underground city shit which was my favorite part of the whole game.

i play every open world game with a guide
i'm an old man now i can't spend 500 hours looking around for everything

what about talking to the doll at the site of grace? Thats the one part i think is easily missable.

When i was a kid i used to love looking for stuff in games, the fuin part was looking by just doing random stuff until i came across a eureka moment. Now i start getting frustrated if it takes more than 2 mins.

Except you get a ton of shit and content if you go down the ranni path. If you just do the basic ending you probably won't even get the mimic and a bunch of achievements that require ranni

>Secret ending requirement is exploring pretty much every area and opening chests
Wow so obtuse.

I'm more baffled people actually finished that game.

25%+ of players getting an ending honestly seems like an absurdly high completion rate.

>no Morgott weapon incantations
>no actual siding with Mohg
>no Sekiro parry
>no bone fist/martial arts dedicated moveset
>Rally locked behind absolute endgame content
>no settlements/small towns that function as hubs, only Roundtable
>limited traversal to the horse and the special jump springs
>more cut content for a game that took so long to come out
I wish From would stop being so scared of people breaking the game and just added more good shit, they're definitely capable of it

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>no actual siding with Mohg
This shit has been a problem ever since From put in the first boss that wasn't insane and could talk to the player.

Why are you playing video games in the first place if you don't have time for them?

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I got the Ranni ending first playthrough without looking at a guide
its the only questline in the game that is straight forward

This happens when one ending is obviously better than any other.
This is basically the first time in souls series when you get happy ending.

Wish I could finish the game. Stopped at 14 hours and have 0 desire to touch it at all. 100+ hours in each soulsborne game including finishing every clone that was halfway decent but damn elden rings bores me to fucking death. I try to play it at night and literally have to stop and go to bed because I doze off playing it. Play it during the day and it can't hold my attention for more than 30 minutes. The world is so inexplicably bland. Sure there is stuff to do and enemies to fight and a clear critical path I could follow but the game doesn't really motivate me to go or do anything. The visual allure of the zones (when there is any) isn't enough to draw me to these places. I'll keep trying to get into the game but it sucks being so hyped for something that just fell flat in front of me. Especially sucks when everyone jerks it off for being the next best thing but I just don't see it apparently. Wish I could have fun with you bros...

what the fuck are you talking about
I hated elden ring because everything was too straightforward and not cryptic/secret. The game literally holds your hand and tells you where to go

that ending isnt exactly hard to find
i didnt read any guides and found it just fine

>Elden Ring doesn't respect the player
that's exactly what it does
it doesnt hold your hand because it respects the player instead of treating them as brainless children

>less people finished base monster hunter world iceborne
jesus fucking christ monster hunter world was pathetic

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