Remember Iji? The original Undertale!

Remember Iji? The original Undertale!

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The end titles got me into VNV Nation and I still listen to them today.
Great part of my highschool years.

Yeah I enjoyed it. The boss theme against Tor is pretty great. I should replay it sometime and do the pacifist stuff. I just shot mostly everyone in my playthrough.

Not even remotely close

Unlike Undertale, Iji was and still is free.
And also while pure pacifist run possible, the game doesnt act all preachy how you are a bad person when you dont do pacifist

>he doesn't know

>quirky earthbound inspired rpg with meta elements
>side scrolling shooter
Just because they both give you the choice of killing or sparing everything doesn't mean they're the same.
If you want to go that route than Iji still isn't the "original" Undertale. I don't know what "honor" that game goes to, but at the very lease Live A Live did it even earlier.

okay so he literally doesn't know

This game and Cave Story come to mind as pretty ambitious independent games that are essentially just freeware. Is there anything else that fits that category?

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>he doesn't know


I'll be the judge of that

Eversion was the original Undertale.

Undertail if it good

But I know

Love iji, but I feel like the game lied to me at some point. I can't remember where I read it, I think it was the readme that came with the game, but something said that kicks were non lethal. I decided to upgrade my kick all the way and played the game like I was a kickboxer and never killed anyone, and as a bonus I was getting exp so I thought I was getting the best of both worlds. Turns out, that to get the exp I was getting, enemies needed to die and I got the message saying that I killed hundreds. I guess kicks at a certain level are lethal but the game only said that they were non lethal. Also, I really like most of what Remar makes.

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That's not true cause a lot of character dialogue and logs change when you murder mode.

Music was top tier.
This kino was made by Finns, wasn't it?

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>do I remember one of the best games ever?

The game itself was made by a swede named Daniel Remar, the OST was contracted out to an English musician for hire called hyperduck soundworks. They're pretty good too, the stuff the music did dust: an elysian tale

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He's not gonna pay you for this, user.

Who's not gonna pay him for what?