My wallet after playing Genshin Impact

My wallet after playing Genshin Impact

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Good to know your wallet has more sense than you by refusing to let go of the money.

I just pay $5 a month for the welkin and wait for the rerun if I don't get them, compared to Runescape's 10 bucks a month, they're taking the piss

My balls after getting Aether pregnant.

but Genshin doesn't require you to spend any money and even if you are it's usually just a gem pass and maybe the battle pass. 5-20$ a month isn't that bad.

calm down futa ayaka

Only if you are very inpatient or autistic enough to want all constellations for a 5 Star character you would ever need to spend money.

I don't pay shit and never will.
AR55 right now and the game is still very easy

There's literally nothing to waste your money on in this game.


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I am doing fine with just the welkin blessing and at most will use the one time double crystal bonus if I really want a character in the future.
Don't go after constellations for characters that don't benefit from it as greatly as hu tao, don't pull for the recommended 5 star weapon for every character and simply avoid wasting fates on characters you are not going to use.

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Chinese censorship prevents the game from having sexier girls, so it's even less worth it to spend money on this gacha shit. The game was fun to play and explore at first, for free even, but if you still play now you are a retard.

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are there mods on botw that replace whoever the fuck the main character is with klee?


The reason I've quit this game

>not f2p friendly
>ugly characters
imagine playing gachashit


>paying for gacha in a single player game
gachanigs get the rope

>spending money on this garbage
but why?

Hu tao


I'm sorry to inform you user, but paying for gacha in a multiplayer game isn't any less retarded