Lose to someone

>lose to someone
>look at their rank
>way lower than mine
>know I'm better than them

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Other urls found in this thread:


>lose to someone
>move on without looking for a cope

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You lost to someone who's worse than you
I'd commit sudoku

Such fragile egos that have to win at everything. Kids today are going to die on the steet and thats a good thing. Overpopulation will finally be solved.

>wreck somoeone in league
>he's talking shit the whole time
>you're only winning because you're playing Yone!!
>he's diamond 4
I'm pretty sure he bought the account though. I know how diamonds play and he was bad at every aspect of the game, especially cs;ing.

If you're better than them, then why did you lose?
Surely your skill should've closed any sort of gap that could be created by luck, right user?
You're not just telling yourself you're better when in reality you simply got lucky in your victories that got you to that rank to begin with, right?
I wonder what will happen when you start to lose your rank, what happens if that other player manages to surpass your rank with ease?
Are you truly better just because of a win loss ratio telling you that you're doing a good job?

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Why would you pay to get into a rank way higher than you can actually compete at?
Do they want to get shit on?

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I agree with you if he is not talking about team based games, which I think is where this whole "everyone sucks except for me" mentality comes from, because sometimes it's genuinely true.

based online warrior

>Somehow get teamed with a world champion in rocket league 3v3(me and my bro are stoned and half drunk)
>Half the game he just bitches about how bad we are
>He ragequits halfway through when the score is 1-0
>Me and my bro come back and score twice to win the game, all while 2v3
World champions are shit at the game apparently

>actively try to lose game for my team
>somehow win
>"lol noobs"

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Every other faggot in ranked games is convinced they belong at a higher rank and they are just being held back by their team.

>play game for one year
>look at new guy
>only rank 23

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Hey user, which racial groups are overpopulated?

>user tries to be less alpha

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>Lose to someone
>I did better than the last game
>i improved , nice

You're far too healthy for this place. Leave before this place destroys you user.

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I'm already broke inside man, anyway thanks for the thought.

>lose to someone clearly better
>scapegoat some random teammate for my mistakes despite them having nothing to do with my individual failures

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>lose to someone
>call them a nigger
>get banned
>post on Any Forums about my money stolen
>beat my mom when I get called a retard in replies
>make new account
>repeat everyday

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>very obviously winning the game
>actively troll to make the game more even

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>lose to someone
>know I'm better than them
>go into justifiable rage due to the injustice

>play gimmick area shooter
>always have fun
>super high level
>only other equally high are tryhard streamers
I wasted my time,I should have just learned auto repair like my dad wanted

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>teammate chooses a shit character
>refuses to switch when I tell him to
>we lose and I report him
>never get a notification that he was banned because of my report

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