6 star player, near 2.0 kda

6 star player, near 2.0 kda.
I dont understand the hype for this game
Its literally all camping and holding angles.
I admittedly like it but every time I push I have an overwhelming loss ratio, but when I camp and hold and angle I win pretty much every game
This game is literally who loses patience the quickest.

Attached: hunt showdown.jpg (1920x1080, 387.62K)

The problem is that the environments are too complex. Its impossible to safely enter a building or push into territory.

if you maintain a 2.0 kda and are 6 star you are probably some mosin sniper loser
I already know I am replying to bait but I still will take any chance to remind mosin snipers they are complete losers

I run a non-scoped mosin or lebel...how may I ask is this bait?

That's what 6 star is, apparently. I've never made it to 6 but I have had and held 5 a lot of the time, but mostly stay in the 4 star range because I play with friends who are much worse than me and I can't always clutch up 1v2s or 1v3s. If I really wanted to I could probably get to 6 but I don't give much of a fuck. My kd is 1.5 or so.

The game is best in the 3-4 range because people actually play differently. Some people are rushers, some people are melee psychos, others are patient players, ambushers, and so on. The high level stuff is almost always the same. Players who don't want to die so they hide and play very cautiously and wait to strike; or long ammo abusing faggots/snipers/campers.

Just derank yourself by purposefully dying in quick play or in 1v3s with no loadout of any kind. Also, the game is obviously better when played with a friends or two; solos for these kinds of games (Hunt, EFT, PUBG, etc) fucking sucks.

Yea you made that exact same thread some hours ago

Still didn’t post proof I’m pretty sure you’re some lying underaged shitposting kid

Attached: 27CEFFCF-F883-4C18-9503-2F9AF15C81F4.gif (480x270, 604.24K)

>how may I ask is this bait?

proof of what?

I was 5 star for 75% of my time played in hunt.
Honestly 5 stars are quite a bit better than 6, but people will absolutely no push with long ammo and people with shotguns will not leave compounds
My buddy and I won every game we would play when extracting the bounty; brining concentrina and posion traps, trapping up the compound and sitting in base until someone gets bored and pushes.

Wtf, this is a full price game
Why the fuck does it have £180 of DLC?
What in the fuck is this?

Attached: wtf.png (624x897, 356.66K)

My big problem with this game is the overwhelming advantage for playing as a group. I get some kind of advantages are inevitable, and preferred in a way, but when I encounter a two-man team and they happen to be far away, and I have to kill each one of them six freaking times until they finally run out of first aid kits when they only need one lucky shot to end my run, I get a little miffed I suppose. Reviving a teammate should take like, full minute or something idk, I’ve had groups repopulate mid fight so often I just hide if I can’t 100% kill everyone in ten seconds or less

It was more fun when it was more casual
SBMM unironically ruined this game.

they are all skins just ignore it

Whenever I play this game I either have the best experience or the worst, no in between. Personally, I think the worst aspect of this game is the fucking AI and how broken it can be at times. I've had swarms from hives go through walls or had crows go off when I'm like 15 meters away. Hit registration at times can be pretty broken as well. Worst part of it all is the fact that Crytek seems to be more focused on events and skins than fixing bugs.

always bring firebombs, surely you aren't some loser playing out of range of throwables right user?

>proof of what?
Your birth certificate

A fucking screenshot of your K/D and how many games you’ve played of course you fucking dingus

dude every fucking team uses choke bombs unless you are playing in piss poor elo

And this is why the 6 stars is never fun to play. 6 stars isn’t because the player is good. It’s just super risk adversed gameplay. Granted you’ll find people with great aim. But to your point OP. 6 stars is scared people with long ammo playing safe. I rather lose in hunt than win in overwatch or cod.

How the fuck can you ignore £180 of DLC?
Even if it's skins, does the game have enough content to justify £220 to get the whole game? What the fuck.

Can't you turn SBMM off when you get to 90/whatever bloodline level?

the simple fact you force them to use a choke bomb is an advantage

yeah bro you pay 1300 dollars for every skin in league, you spend 900 dollars in apex, 2200 dollars on every truck skin in trucker simulator.

no one buys all the skins retard

true. that’s why my adhd brain hates this game

playing fast is really strong in this game just pack an inventory full of frags and flash bombs

all online shooters are inherently flawed because one person has a 0.5 second advantage over the other person due to relative server connection. Sometimes you have the advantage, sometimes you dont. If you dont the only winning move is to outsmart the other guy and get to shoot at him before he sees you, otherwise assuming you both have relatively the same skill the guy with the better connection wins.

game gets past this with le epic .5 second trading window and you both get to be angry