Soulsfags, defend this

Soulsfags, defend this.

Attached: 1652621766939.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

skill issue

He should've done nothing.


>Hold shield up
Wow that was hard. Give me another one.

I feel like this is exactly the perfect thing to happen to DSP

>Turn the back towards the enemy
>Get backstabbed


he didn't turn his back to the enemy though, look at how it happens in less than a second, it's clearly a glitch

Why would someone so ugly think it's a good idea to show their face on a stream???

>he didn't turn his back to the enemy though
He did
>look at how it happens in less than a second
Because he turned his stick

he turns around and gets stabbed immediately when it becomes possible for the npc to do so

Man that's...saucy

Attached: 1659686348061122.webm (780x438, 2.86M)

yes he did, the game took advantage of his lack of knowledge

skill issue

>turning your character is instantaneous because dark souls isn't a Rockstar cinematic experience
>DSP attempts to back away from the enemy, but forgot to lock on, so he turns around
>Enemy begins an attack right at the same moment, which registers as a backstab

stop throwing peanuts and go back to limgrave

That enemy kicked my ass multiple times and I found it hilarious, strange that they put it in such a random spot.


Attached: 1659691177754803.webm (640x356, 2.78M)

He didn't turn his back though he just got backstabbed glitchily.

these enemies would be fine if you could hit them while they were teleporting
giving them 3-5 seconds of i frames is obnoxious

>Lock On disables during some critical hits
Why do From's games continue to do this?

It looks ugly but mechanically it works correctly.
You turned your back to the enemy and got punished.

dosent matter. zoomer stream viewers love the facecam shit.
>bro did u see his reaction?? i pogged so hard!
