You would do this for you mom as a fellow gamer, right user?

you would do this for you mom as a fellow gamer, right user?

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My mom was a crack addict so no.

If my mom needs me, I'll quit playing and drive over there

She wouldn't even need to ask for help. If she calls for me I put down what I'm doing and go to her. If there's something I really can't interrupt in that moment I'll say "Just a minute."

People that yell back "What?" are always snotty brats.

lol same. It really made her a lazy fuck in later life too. She doesn't do it anymore in her mid-50s but she also doesn't get out of bed until like 5pm every day. She's like a 55yo NEET. Her life revolves around watching TV and playing mobile games.

i wouldnt do this because i wouldnt be playing online in the first place

Drop of a hat sure. My mom wasnt a crack addict though. She's fucking great and I'm lucky to have known her.

I fucking despise my mother and I would do that. That's the minimum of my obligations, so I don't begrudge that type of thing.

I'd probably ask if she could wait 5 minutes or whatever first but if she said it was urgent then absolutely.

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People ask "what?" because she might just want to ask you a question dumbass.
>mom calls your name
>leave ranked match
>ask her what it is
>"oh I just wanted to know if you prefer it rare or medium I forgot"

That's a very important question, I understand completely.

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>"Okay thank you"
>No prob
>Go back to playing video games

Stop being a snotty brat.

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Really hope you guys don't put more value into a shitty online FOTM game over your family

I'm watching Cased Closed with my mom right now

I wish I did when I had the chance. Cherish the people in your life, anons. They can disappear in an instant.

i love my mom

when my foreskin was cut so was my filial piety

>Both parents heavy drinkers and smokers
>still love them to death and would do anything for them
They really fucking piss me off though. If they just fucking tried to quit the smokes and drinks they could probably afford to buy a decently sized house instead of renting a shithole in buttfuck nowhere, a decent car and a boat to use instead of constantly mooching off their friends. All they fucking do is sit around smoking and drinking after work like it's the only thing to life. Depresses the fuck out of me.

Not just my mom, an acquaintance could text me in the dead of night one match abandon from being put in cooldown and I would quit to help with what they needed. Games are fun but they don't matter.

Except now you're cooldown penalized over a question that could've been answered without getting up, dumb dumb

holy based. I'm sorry for your loss

>chat with your mom while waiting
that simple

>living with your mom
For your own sake I'm going to assume you're all underages

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Oh no

Depends. My mother just enjoys sweeping the floor 10x a day and golly shucks she just LOVES to make other people do it as well, and no - it can't wait.

Not my problem, don't play ranked, touch grass.

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It's a hypothetical user, chill out.

>Playing online game with friends from school
>”user, do [chore you can do at any time]”
>Quit match so I’m not AFK and get booted for being AFK, and because I know parents would be furious for not doing the chore immediately
>Do the chore
>10 minutes pass
>”user, do [chore you can do at any time]”
>Quit match so I’m not AFK and get booted for being AFK, and because I know parents would be furious for not doing the chore immediately
>Do the chore
>10 minutes pass
>”user, dinner is ready”
>Quit match so I’m not AFK and get booted for being AFK, and because I know parents would be furious for not being at the dinner table immediately
>Eat dinner
>No more time to play game any more. Need to do homework and go to bed for school

nope :)

Imagine what you could do with fifteen minutes of unbridled rage and an ugly girlfriend that caters to your fetish.

It's just a game kid

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