It's over. People are leaving in huge droves and the game is only getting progressively worse...

It's over. People are leaving in huge droves and the game is only getting progressively worse. I fully expect this game to be shut down by 2024 at the latest.

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Other urls found in this thread:

That’s because you’re a retard

Because the community is complete shit

I just wanna let you know... that I am so fucking happy that I never have to fucking raid with your dumb ass ever fucking again. You are the worst fucking player I have ever played with and the audacity to fucking make fun of us on your stream and not to our fucking faces is fucking LOW. You understand what fucking low is? You're low. You're lower than fucking dirt. Your fucking viewers are a bunch of fucking casuals that have to feel bad for you just a fucking dogshit player. You understand me? You're a fucking dumbass little casual. Oh fuck it she caused a wipe. I don't give two flying fucks. You are the worst fucking greediest fucking player I have ever dealt with. And you say fucking over here "my previous static said I was greedy" Yes you fucking are cus you never hold. You make everyone hold for your dumb ass and you expect us to fucking pay for your shit when you don't even know how to pay- play your fucking class. "I've fucking been playing this game for eight fucking years" and it doesn't show EnoChan. I am tired of your shit. You don't take criticism. You don't fucking take advice. Every time we give you advice, you pull the stupid "I know, but I did this, I know". You know how many times we fucking wiped to DOTH because your stupid ass? Because you don't know how to fucking get knocked back correctly? And you have the audacity to fucking laugh about us on your stream? I am SO glad that you are not going to be raiding with us in 6.2 and I fucking yknow hope that no one wanted to raid with you in 6.2 either because you're a dogshit player.```

Fucking worse than me and I'm a one-trick. I hope your stupid fucking stream enjoys watching your casual ass fucking gameplay because that's all you fucking deserve. I am so fucking happy I never have to hear your voice ever again cus this was the worst fucking raiding experience since we started in savage and I knew how fucking shitty of a player you were because of that shit. So fucking tired of your bullshit.

Hi Talon Anchors.

We are finished, mankind is finished!

dead game

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christ you doomposters are pathetic
like seriously just move the fuck on

now post the WoW steam numbers

Even wow's meme minimum 34k btfo's your daily peak LOL


>the steam bait

Your game is ass, and I never want you to feel welcome on Any Forums, you tribal fuck.


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>Microsoft’s official earnings/status reports on assets are memes
Strange copium

I know that may have sounded harsh, but it's kind of accurate.

barry thread

Steam makes up the vast majority of xivtroons, I know it's hard to accept, but you play a niche hentai jrpg that larps as a mmorpg
xivtrannies meme'd it, unfortunately they can't peak over wow's absolute minimum LMAO

>Steam makes up the vast majority of xivtroons

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>Steam makes up the vast majority of xivtroons,
lol there's single servers with more active players than the steam 24h peak in that image

>Steam makes up the vast majority of xivtroons
lmao, whenever someone asks where to buy the game in /xivg/ they instantly get told to not touch steam because you will be locked to steam and can't buy cheap expansions off gmg

What did the videogame do to you? Why are you so excited?

now you're just resorting to making shit up? Show me which server has >30k playing right now

Is tribal your new buzzword because cultist wasn't working out for you?

qanon told me I had to fight the pedos to stop the deepstate, so I went to the most obvious spot

Why do retards like you never notice the irony of your own words?



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I said active players (finished this patch) retardbro, not servers having players RIGHT NOW
First column is active players
There's 2 full servers with more active players than steams 24h peak
And then there's another 74 servers lol

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I'm not even playing any MMOs and got over 1500 hours in ffxiv, so where exactly is the irony? No one likes your community not even the functioning humans who do enjoy the game.

Sorry I should've specified (since I know you're not very smart so you might get confused) with first column I obviously mean the first one with numbers

you will always be a nigger barry

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i saw a xeno video in my recommends that had this text. can i get a QRD

And don't think I'm backpedaling on the "game is ass" part. ShB destroyed ffxiv and EW is pissing on the grave.

>Remember us. Remember that we once lived… Also remember to watch out for that crazy guy Fandaniel. His pet bird caused the final days. I was there with my good friend Hythlodaeus and we ran into you because you got sent to the past by our good friend Elidibus. We went there to meet our good friend Hermes and his pet bird. Hermes's bird was capable of destroying entire planets because she had emotion energy, a concept so advanced only Hermes and an elephant knew it existed. Hermes was going to let the bird destroy our planet because he wanted to do an experiment. And then he was going to memory wipe all of us until Venat flew in on her magical dog and escaped with you. She then for some reason decided not to tell anyone about what happened and instead doomed us all to die, including our good friend Azem who fell into a Volcano while trying to find the source of the noise even though Venat knew all along because she put a magic microchip on Hermes’s bird. She then became Hydaelyn and sundered the world because a bunch of weak humans who die after 80 years were better equipped to deal with the threat than immortal gods who could create whatever they wanted at will. Except the only “human” that could actually stand up to Meteion was 9/14ths of our good friend Azem who also needed Hydaelyns blessing to survive along with my great-grandson Zenos Viator Galvus who had Hydaelyns blessing too, except his was reverse-engineered in a Garlean laboratory. And he was a good friend.

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Streamer girl thinks she's better than her static because she's in front of a camera. Messes up mechanics and talks shit behind her static's back even though they were trying to help her. Her static kicks her out and one of them writes this post.



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I think its about this bitch

the dog was truly a terrible aesthetic choice...
It should have been moar altered, or something else entirely...