How is it anyone's business what I do with a single player game that I paid for? How does that affect anyone?

How is it anyone's business what I do with a single player game that I paid for? How does that affect anyone?

Attached: Nexus Logo.png (350x350, 27.24K)

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is there a better modsite?

it isn't if you make your own mods and keep it to yourself

You can do whatever you want with a single player game that you paid for. And they can do whatever they want with a website they run.

Nobody is interfering with what you're doing. Once you go public with your creations you're agreeing with their terms.

>If you can mod it, we might host it, pending esg score audit
absolute looney troons

I'm just saying, it's a stupid policy. They claim they're about "diversity", but they're forcing a single perspective. I would also add that the mod that replaces the American flag with the pride flag is still alive and well, last I checked.

i love the non-americans struggling to grasp the concept of freedom because of this situation.

literally entitled 3rd worlder commies that think freedom = i get what i want. go ban some more kitchen utensils.

How is it your business what they host on their website?

You can do whatever you want with your game files. Nexus is under no obligation to host any of it though.

seethe harder

A businesses role is to simply carry out their business. Not to tell others how to live their life, discriminate, or pick and choose.
Bake the fucking cake
Host the fucking mod

Attached: groomers.jpg (1200x675, 501.45K)

>the government should force private citizens to do things they dont want to
communist scum.

the only argument you have is that nexus is a bong website and they take it in the ass daily from their government anyway.

>How does that affect anyone?
Lower ESG means less investment and ad money for Nexus.

The website is owned and run by Bongs what do you expect?

Did you cancel your subscription?

It's a Brit based and owned website, you defeated your own argument the moment you opened your mouth.

ay muricans
what happened to your "This is a free country" ?

A business is not a private citizen.
Society can not function when
-your baker wont serve you because he found out your gay
-your landlord kicks you out because you didn't support BLM
-PayPal deletes your account because you said nigger back in 2004