Splatoon 3

How do you think the new classes in 3 compare to the ones introduced in 2? Are you looking forward to the Stringer or the Splatana more?

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I wanna see what other kinds of bows there are. Hoping for a crossbow variant

I’m surprised that we haven’t seen a Stringer variant but have already seen another Splatana

wouldn't be surprising if there's only one at launch, this IS splatoon you know

Splatanas look pretty promising as the 'long-range ink, short-range kill' weapon we didn't really have in Spoon 1 and 2

not sure what the original gimmick behind Stringers are though, maybe they're just like Chargers but with a delay..?

also I wanna smooch Frye's forehead

I'm more interested in the Stringer, but I'll give both a good try. I wonder if Splatanas are going to kill off brushes, which seem to have no advantages over Splatanas other than their rolling, which isn't super useful or necessary.

I'm just here for the Crab Tank.

Attached: MECHA CRAB BATTLE!.jpg (735x692, 80.66K)

Stringers are a long range harassment weapon that has good movement and painting in the mid range. I think it fits a nice niche. Glad they expanded the options at the extreme ranges in this game. There are already a lot of mid range weapons, and they are too strong currently

Is it true the special edition console doesn't come with the game?

Pretty much none of the special edition Switches come with the game they're themed after.

What a load of bullshit i was planning to finally get a Switch but i'll just wait for the Switch pro coming out next year then


>Switch Pro
Oh so you're a retard

I think the devs were clearly out of ideas. Splatanas are a mess of current weapon traits. Bow firing mechanics don’t fit the game at all.

Dualies were also fairly uninspired but the unique dodge made up for it. And brella was very unique. New ones are carbon-carbon roller & splat charger alt model.

>which isn't super useful or necessary
You didn't play enough clam blitz

Na, brushes will still be a better painting and movement weapon. So long as the maps aren’t all too narrow and have decent flank routes, brushes will have a nice niche

Clam Blitz scares me.

I can't wait to use the crab tank

Where did you guys pre-order?

CB is unironically one of my favorite modes and I play it in X rank. I don't use a brush and I rarely have a brush teammate worth their weight.

I think you have a very narrow understanding of the game and weapon roles. Dualies are the only ones I’d say are contrived/forced

On the electronic-shop

>Na, brushes will still be a better painting
Will they?

Attached: HyJhqDMWj6LlM04W.webm (862x720, 1.36M)

>Bow firing mechanics don’t fit the game at all.
What did user mean by this?

Attached: Slime_with_dilated_pupils.png (243x227, 40.76K)


Yes? That’s better than the direct made it seem, but it is still pretty patchy, and it took him a while to cover all of that. I would also bet that brushes will still have a lower point threshold for specials, since the devs have that support/flank role in mind for them

I wouldn't be surprised by it if there was also only one Splatana