Boomer shooters are more popular than ever

>boomer shooters are more popular than ever
>arena shooters are still dead as fuck
it's not fair, bros. how do we change this?

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You can't, closest thing to an arena shooter we've gotten is splitgate.

self proclaimed arenafags should actually stop virtue signaling and start playing their own games

they got replaced by battle royale and hero shooters, sorry

Arena shooters are just bad you should just accept it just like CRPGS are just for angry old grandpas who want to remember their shitty childhood where their only test of how smart they were was smacking their head against a wall for hours until they figured out how a game works

> how do we change this?
bring back dedicated servers

Reminder that everything bad about FPS can be traced back to valve.
>CS heavily casualized Quake and overtook it in popularity
>HL creating far more cinematic and linear moments in FPS
>TF2 popularizing lootboxes and games where a class/spec was a whole character rather than a blank slate for the class/spec

id ruined 3D shooters with Quake 2, get fucked

Crpgs are doing better than ever before and bg3 is looking to be game of the decade?
Even the games people don’t like still keep above 800 daily players like pillars
The real reason is because arena shooters are balanced like shit and are simply too fast. Don’t remove movement tech just overall slow it down by 20%
Remove the lighting gun, its been a frustrating mess since it got the ability to push back
Make the machine gun take the old role of it as a auto hitscan
Remove mega health or red armor, having 1 is fine to have a central fighting location but both just makes you spend half of the round running between them
Quad damage should only be double damage, the game boils down to who gets quad more just from how powerful it is in any mode it exists
Increase weapon swap speed so you can combo the fewer weapons together better
Make the shotgun actually just straight up a viable option since the lighting gun practically ate away at it
Remove plasma rifle because it just shouldn’t exist desu
Fixed also i played more quake live, reflex and diabolical than most people here. I adore arena shooters but its silly to not see the core issues they always had

>No MetaQuake

>but crpgs are doing better than ever
with whomst? the same people who have been playing them forever?
>the real reason is arena shooters are balanced like shit and are simply too fast
then it's just call of duty

boomers are just mentally retarded and can't get with the times

What constitutes an arena shooter compared to the retarded naming of "boomer" shooters?

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well arena shooters are a multiplayer genre obviously

Right, but isn't that just part of "boomer" shooters. Because everything that's 20+ years old is considered a "boomer" shooter by retards.

"arena shooter"
>gamemodes with solo-able objectives (deathmatch, ctf)
>weapon/health/ammo pickups
>wide variety of weapons that aren't smg's
>fast paced
>advanced movement tech (bhop, rocket jumping)

"boomer shooter"
>weapon/health/ammo pickups
>wide variety of weapons that aren't smg's
>fast paced

Boomer Shooter means games designed specifically around the single player aspect Doom/Quake style of FPS. Arena FPS are games like Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, etc, and built around the multiplayer aspect of Doom/Quake. Regardless of age, games like Goldeneye, Halo, CoD, and such are not 'Boomer Shooters.'

I still think calling it a "boomer" shooter is the dumbest fucking thing ever.

Okay but nobody has come up with a better name. Classic/Retro FPS is vague and the concept of 'classic/retro' expands over time, muddling the results.

we saw the headline of your article last week, pcgamer-san

I completely agree with raising the weapon swap speed, but the core issues stem from not raising the skill floor. For the life of me, I don't understand how those of us who are good at arena shooters turn their nose up at any attempt to make the game more accessible to new players. A GOOD ARENA FPS PLAYER WILL ALWAYS BEAT AN AVERAGE ARENA FPS PLAYER OVER TIME. This will be true regardless of:
>loadouts giving respawning players a strong starting weapon (Quake Live)
>abilities that might result in being killed cheaply by a weaker player (Quake Champions)
If anything, I'm extremely to the other end of the spectrum. Personally, I would love it if all players started with every weapon, but with very low ammo. For instance, if the max ammo you can get for the lightning gun is 150, then give each respawning player 30 ammo from the get go. If the max rockets you can get is 25, give each player 5 rockets starting out. There's still plenty of incentive to go around the map collecting resources and raising your stack, but the gap between the most skilled players and the least skilled players will be tightened. The best players will still win, but the noobs will still be able to contribute. My god, people act like a noob occasionally escaping from a kill is an affront to God in Quake Champions. The core gameplay is still Quake. The movement, the map design, the combat, the strategies, it's all there. Let the noobs pick Nyx and go invisible here and there. You're still going to win the match if you're better than them.

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Boomer shooters are in many ways power fantasies. They may be difficult but the havoc you can potentially wreak in them makes up for their difficulty and when you lose, you don't feel instantly discouraged as the game is designed to let you win eventually, and you can always just switch to easy mode.
Arena shooters on the other hand suffer from the same "problem" that fighting games do, that it's really easy to get rolled by a slightly better player, the exact opposite of a power fantasy. These games don't attract new players in droves because they have a reputation of being difficult. Humans are wired to not want to embarrass themselves and it's embarrassing to lose in front of others.
You can for the most part not blame other people for losing in arena shooters since everyone just plays free-for-all, with the top three players essentially just using all other players as cannon fodder. New players will experience this and promptly quit. Why lose alone when you can just get carried by your team in another game?
It all boils down to the fact that modern gamers are so used to not having to improve their own abilities in multiplayer games that they simply switch to another game when faced with any kind of hardship. Back then, people used to see great players and say "I want to be like him", nowadays they'll go "I'll never be like him".

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>UT remake is still dead thanks to Fortnite

I'll never be not mad about it.

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are there even any recent quake-like or doom-like games? like, with an actual active playerbase
all I know is this open fortress mod but that's it

just play cod warzone you incel wizards
it's literally everything you asked for and actually has people playing it

literal schizophrenia


any games with strafing, bunnyhopping and rocket jumping that came out in the last decade, im tired of playing the same old shooters with dead multiplayer

I literally didn't say nor imply any of this, schizo.
Take meds, go outside, take some fresh air, it's time for a break.

Name 1 fucking game you like from the last 5 years and not some dead fucking genre

Seriously take meds.
Explain to me how exactly did you spin into

Because despite how arenafags jerk themselves off to being the pinnacle of shooters, they don't actually play them, what with every new arena shooter dying immediately.

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>just play cod warzone

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Play Open Fortress.

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I played quite a bit of Quake Champions but the performance soured me on it

I just want a Tribes-like

Admittedly Tribes Ascend was my first game in the genre but I loved it