Do you guys create your character based on what you'd want to look like or do you prefer to create characters that look...

Do you guys create your character based on what you'd want to look like or do you prefer to create characters that look exactly like you?

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i get suicidal thoughts from thinking about roleplaying as myself in videogames let alone making a character that looks like me

Neither. I make totally original characters to play as that don't represent me at all because I'm not a psycho self inserter.

i just make something that i think looks attractive (no homo)

I usually make myself at least once, but I give myself a cool mustache.

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I made my guy look like James Dean because I felt like it

I'm the guy you see who plays as old men exclusively.

It depends on the game, really. I'll make my mii or Tony Hawk character look like me because it's fun to see myself eat shit on a skateboard or whatever, but making myself in a game where I'm supposed to be a cool guy like FO, Skyrim or whatever feels kinda pathetic desu

>I'm the guy you see who plays as old men exclusively.

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I usually choose a preset, maybe make tiny adjustments like changing a haircut/ eye color.

all replies are stupid i make a fat blue man named blueberry boris

I make that which I cannot have

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Honestly 90% of the time I don't even change the appearance in 1st person games

I have no imagination so i always use the default/canon appearances

Default works just fine (unless the default is not white)

isn't this what role-playing games are for?

I create hot women that I want to fuck

>Do you guys create your character based on what you'd want to look like or do you prefer to create characters that look exactly like you?
Is the option of someone funny gonna get me called a trannie?

Nothing on this world drives me more insane than a create-your-own-character screen. It is the hardest level of any game!

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if you can't make your guy a fantasy race I'll usually just go with the default face+make it a big more shaggy cus I prefer looking a bit ragged makes more sense to me than being all clean-looking

Every single modern game made by westerners should have character customization for every character in the game. It's the only way to get away from their obsession with making all the characters ugly on default.

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>S-tier - making the ugliest abominations possible within the level editor
>A-tier - creating a character with a specific look for roleplaying purposes
>B-tier - making it look like yourself
>C-tier - using a default character
>Embarrassing-and-pathetic-tier - making a waifu
This is objectively correct

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I make myself, I make completely original characters, I make idealized versions of myself, and I play default. I also don't have the need to do everything 100% on every character I play so it's easy to make new ones.

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I normally play as very neutral characters my first time around unless it's a setting I'm familiar with, then make them more of a character when I've found my footing. When I'm doing a replay and know more about what the character can be the I do something different and roleplay off the bat.
>1st playthrough
White, straight male fighter with some magic, try to do what makes sense at the time
>2nd playthrough
White, straight male mage/technician who goes heavily into all magic/tech related systems and is very moral
>3rd playthrough
White, straight male pure warrior that looks a little old and lame, just fuck about and be silly, act like a barbarian when I can
>4th playthrough
White but dark-haired straight male rogue who tends towards immoral acts
>5th playthrough+
I'll do more of the above or whatever. Try and see what I haven't seen.
I try to make them a chad every time. Inevitably I have the most fun being a barbarian character but that might be because it's when I let myself go a bit and roleplay the hardest.

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