I want to be Kara Hassan's target practice

I want to be Kara Hassan's target practice.

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flopped, controls are shit

sounds like you got filtered

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lmao, it's got an 80 on two systems at metacritic. Wow, what a flop. Retard...

mind-broken, female-trained beta cuck

What do you do when you encounter a female irl? Do you sperg out just as hard or even harder?

I dont like how turning works. I've skated backwards accidentally way too many times when I want to change direction. I just end up dodging forward but that kills your momentum. Wish the controls were based on camera and not tank controls.

I want Kara Hassan to do a 360 Coffin front flip over my head and shoot me in the face

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Calm down simp

Yeah I will admit the controls are a bit shit but I feel like I'm getting the hang of it. does holding jump slow you down?because it feels like it. I'm used to it speeding you up cause that's how it works in THPS.

I am calm, just asking a question

Yea kind of feels like it a bit. Game is fun aside from the controls. Its kind of hard to care about style when you are dodging 20 projectiles but it has its moments. I bet we'll see some poggers clips on twitch.

Hassan? Is she named after the streamer?

No? she's just middle eastern or something, I don't think Hassan is an uncommon name

Yeah but Hassan is one of the most popular streamers in the world.

Why'd they make her hot especially in the cover art

Why does this female protagonist have a male name?

Kara is a guy's name?

I'm not gonna lie. My Turkish overwrote my English and all I could read is "black Hassan" in Turkish. Didn't occur to me that Kara is very much so a female name.

It's pretty fun but I really don't like how you can dodge and instantly gain momentum in an entirely opposite direction to the one you were moving in, it just feels really wrong. In fact I wish there was more to the physics of the movement but I understand why they did not go that route.
That said I really doubt I'm going to rank-chase s-ranks here because I'm not a big fan of the trick system either. I'm simply going to enjoy the game as is.