Do we trust fitshark on darktide?

Do we trust fitshark on darktide?
Also, what does that Ogryn do with his fleshlight of a weapon at night?

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vermintide 2 is 9/10 if you ignore balance shitters and people crying about fatshark solely due to the fact that they have a reputation

I trust Fatshark to have good ideas and awful execution, but adherence to the core gameplay that Vermintide 2 established will mitigate alot of the potential shortcomings of their retardation

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hell no
dont forget about the paid classes and shit performance in the beginning

I've had sufficient fun with vermintide, so even if it has a rough launch (which is I resent being the standard in this industry now), I'm sure it'll be fine in the long run. They couldn't possibly be more incompetent than Back 4 Blood's devs... right?

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I had a lot of fun with vermintide 2 too. can’t say the same about b4b or other recent coop games (with the exception of deep rock)
So in my book fatshark is one of the better devs in todays horrible industry

I am personally looking forward to the jank launch just to go searching for bugs to abuse

>trusting fagshark
someone didnt play vermintide 2 at launch

I am going to play Zealot and will only use DoW priest quotes on the mic to communicate and you cannot stop me

is that the character with the big hammer?
if so: based

Ogryns are usually too pure to think of something that Slaneeshi about their guns

Vermintide 2 was fun, and my expectations are actually higher than usual, but I have full faith that Shitshark will fuck it up on launch somehow.
Gonna wait a week or so before deciding to buy, but it is one of the very few games Im actually considering shekeling out

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yes. But he better get a Redemptionist side grade with Eviscorator (Giant 2 handed chaninsword)

Fatshark’s problems are different to turtle rock’s.
Fatshark grasp that silhouettes are absolutely vital for this type of game, and that atmosphere and combat impact matter.
Where they’ll fuck up is yo-yo balancing, bizarre glitches and taking ages to actually squash them rather than temporarily suppress them

B4B incompetence was more tied to terrible design choices, or perhaps more to do with how they marketed it as a successor to L4D/L4D2 but then put out a product that only shared the most base commonalities with said titles. Fatshrks issue is buggy stuff balancing issues and slowness to respond

Probably a future dlc, but a Repentia skin for the female zealot would be amazing

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Any adeptus mechanicus representation in this one?

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Vermintide is an ok game better than L4D but still braindead and mind numbingly shallow because it is a L4D clone.

I hope not.

if so theyll be DLC

One of the handlers is a tech priest, but so far none of the player characters are

what do you want from a coop action game?
maybe the genre isn’t for you dawg

No because I’m still sad about war of the roses

turtle rock vs fitshark

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Kill yourself you dumb fucking low iq retard.

Thats hilarious.

both are pozzed. sjw söydevs, whats your point? Do you retards seriously find it funny playing pretend and acting like Fatshark is "le based"? Is that how you disassociate yourself when buying their shit and financing pride parades in Sweden?