Genshin Impact

Yoimiya banner ends soon

your last chance to get the best Genshin DPS, Sumeru units will suck

Attached: yoimiya test.webm (1280x720, 2.05M)

Sucks that it has the most annoying cast of characters I've ever seen in a video game.

Attached: 1635189363035.webm (640x360, 1.44M)

Abyss doesnt count because it has exclusive stage buffs, its not repeatable elsewhere. This same vid can be made with Klee and Mona for example in Abyss

>the hardest content in the game where bosses have 4 times as much health and far higher levels than in the overworld doesn't count

>No Yun Jin

Based Yanfei enjoyer

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Yes, content where you get +200% dmg buff doesnt count as objective damage showcase, surprise?

>+200% dmg buff
Which buffs are those? Care you point them out?

>This same vid with 4 stars can be made with stronger 5 stars
What the fuck kind of argument is this?

My sword options are a bit limited, will my Dendro Loom 4P Emblem work better with R1 Fav Sword, R5 Festering Desire, or an R5 Iron Sting?

I have about 151% ER and 493 EM without factoring the weapons.

Attached: 1659634001470073.jpg (810x1080, 227.89K)

I like my Yoi. Stop doomposting Sumeru anyway because there's enough of that from people who refuse to use anything other than vape.

Oh forgot my crit ratio is 58/151

Abyss is your endgame and Genshin Impact will never ever be a MMO.

>benny crutch
>Ei crutch
>John crutch
lol, lmao even

For Yoimiya, Diona would be better than Zhongli, Fischl would be better than Raiden, and Yun Jin would be better than Bennett

>no kazuha
>close webm

Why do Yoimiyachads not build your Yun Jin?

Diona's shield is much worse than Johns, and doesn't give resistance shred, Fish provides nothing better over Raiden and Benny's buff is better than Yun Jins along with also giving massive heals to Yoi. Yun jin is just a much more fun support if you have her at C6.

I leveled her, upped her talents, and have some okay enough artifacts, but I only use Yunjin when I really need the single target. She's really good, but not to my preference with Yoimiya even if I would say it's even meta for Yoimiya. Still glad I have her when I use her, just not enough to focus her some artifacts.

only brainlets didn't

Using Raiden in a TP Yoi party is a detriment since you don't want to have full energy for your burst, Yun Jin completes having Geo resonance which brings her ER costs down ontop of not having to position around Bennett's circle and frees him for your other abyss party, and Yun Jin at C2+ with adequately good investment can outperform an Aquila crowned Bennett even factoring C6 Pyro buff. You could have Fischl or Yelan or Xingqiu for that last slot to boost her damage even more assuming you have some EM built in there too, which you should.

Diona's shield is plenty strong to face tank attacks on floor 12, and with her healing she provides 200EM and Noblesse, along with a movement speed buff and decreased stamina consumption with her shield
Fischl provides far more damage and Electro application than Raiden's E, and Yoimiya teams don't really need Raiden's burst damage buff or energy generation. And using Raiden's burst in a Yoimiya team is a DPS loss with its extended rotstion and no buffs for Raiden. You're better off running a Raiden hyper carry team
Yun Jin's buff is actually better than Benny's for Yoimiya specifically with both C6, it's been calculated by Yoimiya mains months ago