What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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Nonsense. A lot of nonsense. And questionable, janky gameplay. It's unique and memorable though.

A game you'll either love or hate. No inbetween.
Now get the fuck out of here before you get spoiled.

The Xbox version is the best because it isn't as bogged down in pointless bonus content like Director's Cut. It also runs better.

red sneeds profile

Jank with atmosphere. Get the infinite SMG in the tunnel by getting the treasure map from the store as soon as possible to make the shitty combat easy. Also don't miss lunchtime at the station.


it's also got the difficulty set higher so those sadako things in the mansion take like 30 minutes to kill

Jank kino
It's got it's issues but without a doubt it's got one of the best stories and best cast of characters I've seen in a game. As long as you can enjoy good atmosphere and a good story you'll be engaged from start to end.

Attached: 1611631684865.gif (498x361, 2.2M)

Absolute kino just don't take side quests too seriously and focus on the main story

A compelling story with a great protagonist, tacked on combat that can be made trivial by easily getting guns with infinite ammo underneath a pile of jank and seemingly unintentional awkward pacing moments with the tone of a scene going from lighthearted to dramatic at the drop of a dime.

Attached: emily.jpg (500x730, 379.51K)


it's one of the worst games ever made, but also one of the best

Did you play DC? IIRC, the 360 version is way harder.

Played the Steam version. IIRC I got the infinite ammo SMG somewhat early on so the combat quickly became repetitive. It's one of those games that the combat feels so repetitive that looking back I completely blocked it out of my memory.

Attached: X2adJwv.gif (291x355, 930.6K)

The melee weapons are almost always one hit kills so you might as well use them if you got them.

The 10/10 from the glorified blog was such BS

This is so badly made it's good. Oh, and forget about the sequel. That just plain out sucks


Attached: Deadly Premonition.png (1024x1325, 606.7K)

Doesn't hold up. It was a breath of fresh air when Japan lost their personality to try and be like American devs, but we're not in that era. You don't need to buy a borderline broken budget game to find something different.

one of the first games I had recommended by Any Forums
zero regrets

Which version should I emulate: PS3, X360 or Switch?