I've just installed it, I need some tips. I will play as a wizard

I've just installed it, I need some tips. I will play as a wizard.

Attached: souls.png (598x910, 1.25M)

help, niggers.

look up any starting guide on youtube instead of asking a bunch of mentally derranged spastics who only care about fuming or fanboying the next flavor of the month (without actually playing them) instead of playing videogames

Magic is good and strong in this game user, just explore and buy any spells you can find and get a good sword to go with it for less important enemies

pro tip: play the fucking game
you're supposed to find out yourself, it's part of the pleasure. if you don't want to then forget about video games and watch anime or something and don't forget keep your MyAnimeList updated so you can feel le epic feeling of completion you're addicted to since you have nothing really important going on in your life

Read item descriptions in full. A lot of needed information is buried in them.

tip nr. 1: don’t play as a wizard on your first run

you're gonna have to explore two specific levels to find some lads or you'll be stuck with shit spells for the rest of the game

Tip 1: Go to graveyard and grab zwei
Tip 2: Ditch magic and use the zwei

You'll need zero tips. The game literally gives up against ranged.

Tip 3: use a magic zwei

You don't need tips. Just play the game.

Magic isn't a very fun playstyle in my experience.

How about I shove my tip up your arse mage faggot.

>*dark beads you*
nothing personal

*light rolls behind u*
*backstabs u*
heh its just too easy

Should I play this game on K+M or switch over to controller?

jesus god no. use a controller.


agreed, it trivializes the game and won't make you truly learn the "real" mechanics that makes dark souls what it is

Use pic rel
Buff with magic
Spam thrust flurry
Bitch about how easy the game is

Attached: Ricards.jpg (600x800, 166.54K)

Jesus fuck the soulstroon retardation in this thread.
Once you get to firelink, go DOWN. You'll reach some RUINS. Look for a dude hiding behind iron bars, he's your answer for a magic build. He can "infuse" your weapons with magic so their damage increases with your intelligence stat, and he also sells spells.
THATS IT. Thats all you need to know.

dark souls games are only """playable""" with weapons, magic is a joke

Thanks, anons

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