DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the Ātman...

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the Ātman, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite BATTLE SIMULATIONS. you should totally come on down to my gang hideout, it’s got HINDU GOLD-EMBOSSED MURALS on the walls and everything, we can crack open a nice dis-poison or three and get crazy watching some Atma on the karma terminal! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the dissemination terminal- listen here, right, it’s a TEMPLE where us GANG LEADERS who do GANG LEADING can go RECEIVE DIVINE COMMANDS from GOD. BUT!!!! it’s also a Naraka like when we were Tma, so we can speak with ANGEL, without dumb temple guards bothering us. speaking of which Argilla and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the Karma Temple. that way we can save money to spent more macca on ourselves and our GANG. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this soma and pop open another one!!!

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I've hit the point that I don't even understand how these sorts of posts want me to react. Am I supposed to be angry? I'm just sad that memes and the world have passed me by.

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weird and awkward choice of game to make a wojak post out of

Same here. I've even begun to think it's just some AI-developer sending his chatbot here to get data on communication.

INTJtard here
the post is meant to sneed & feed, hope it helps

Attached: 1660430747953514.jpg (640x480, 29.76K)

you're supposed to laugh because this shows that some autistic user is currently busy forcing the jannies to clean his shit


INFJ here, allow me to explain. In the begging, you are in Tma, or "darkness." In order to reach enlightenment and eventually Nirvana, you must become the Atma—against darkness, or champion of light. Atma is a state of higher awareness of the self, and you can increase it through meditation

Hope this helps

I've been laughing at this post for the past 5 mins


take your meds

what did he mean by that

really makes you think

same desu senpai

How can one achieve this level of autism


you missed one, janny

'jak in the 'log

Dock his pay.