What is it about this era of games, and especially GTA 3, that makes them so atmospheric?

What is it about this era of games, and especially GTA 3, that makes them so atmospheric?

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working around technical limitations

no hiring on skincolor, gender or sexual preference but talent, skill and passion.

Game creators were passionate and jews weren't involved.

The edginess felt real. Like you were sampling forbidden fruit.

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Absolutely based

art style is more prominent when visuals are less complex

fog = atmospheric for zoomers
that's literally it

Bloom on lights, soft gradation of red and yellow colors.
Night sky not being completely dark, implies literal atmosphere.

Simple geometry, lots of grey and fog. I personally think III and IV are the ones that pulled this off the best.

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cool silent protagonist >>>>>>>> everyone else

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just a guy that got the job done


I think it being developed just before the 9/11 attacks is what differentiates itself from following GTA titles and well, everything that came after. 2000s didn't really start before the September 11th, we were living in the extended 90s, the age where commuinism was defeated and the world was crawling back to freedom. It's a 90s game that came out mere weeks after we were all made aware that the optimism of the 90s is well and truly gone, and that the modernity is as unescapable as it is terrible.

It's the last refuge of the 90s kid. It's like looking at the cliff you're falling from moments before the impact hits you.


a simple life

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This. Nowadays it's all about 4k textures, 1 billion triangles, draw distance, and realism.

where does he shit?

Getting the most out of nothing

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