Gave pic related a try, and I don't really understand why so many people love it so much

Gave pic related a try, and I don't really understand why so many people love it so much.

The art design is cool, the intro is comfy and does a great job of pulling you in, and the first time you go to each planet is interesting, but once all that wears off you're basically just solving puzzles and trying to find things you missed.

Oh, and some of the areas are time-sensitive, and if you don't get there fast enough or make a mistake, you might not have enough time to do what you need to do and will have to start all over.

I just don't get it bros.

Attached: outerwilds.png (1705x957, 2.97M)

it's the most overrated game on Any Forums right now, has been for the last few years

>Reddity walking simulator

These posts are so tiresome. Don't play it if you are a soulless retard. Simple as. Stop posting on Any Forums about it.

>Don't try new games
>Don't try new games and discuss them
>Don't try new games and discuss them on a board for discussing video games

Maybe the true retard was you all along.

You aren't discussing them though. You are just bashing them because you are incapable of non instant joy or any form of semi deep thought. It's not the game's fault you are a sub 110 iq mutt.

>once that wears off, you're just solving puzzles
woah...... like..... some sort of game....?

>talking about your experiences and saying you don't get why people like it and opening up a discussion about it is bashing it

What's having 2 IQ like?

This is the first time I've heard the criticism that the game isn't enough of a walking simulator

That's great OP, but the game is beyond your criticism, it's too far away, and your grasp is too short.

This game requires a Faustian soul to enjoy, sorry bro.

What an age we live in, huh?

>bro this puzzle game has puzzles in it
>bro if I make mistakes I get punished
god I fucking hate zoomers so much

>Oh, and some of the areas are time-sensitive, and if you don't get there fast enough or make a mistake, you might not have enough time to do what you need to do and will have to start all over.

it's...a video game?

>puzzles and exploration aren't good enough for you
It's a fucking adventure game you dolt, did you want them to hand you a gun or railroad you from one point to another?

At least you tried it, op. It isn't going to be
everyone's idea of a good time. How far did you get into it? Quantum moon? Through Dark Bramble's anglerfish?

Attached: 0a495a190f9945a16213c419a1205bd_779ee472_1280.png (1091x545, 20.13K)

Not your hugbox, libtard.

of all things to praise, you choose the art and the intro.
the two worst aspects of the game.
and you complain about the time loop which is the entire concept that everything is built around.
truly tasteless

>Having a checkpoint that starts you right at the beginning of an area is the same as having to restart a time loop and wait X amount of time for everything to line up so you can do what you need to do.

Attached: 1623727381259.png (532x428, 167.1K)

To be fair you can make time go faster by resting by a fire. You don't have to actually wait X amount of minutes in realtime if you don't want to.

>of all things to praise, you choose the art and the intro.
Because they're good.

>and you complain about the time loop which is the entire concept that everything is built around.
An original concept doesn't make something good. And it isn't even an original concept.

You do realize you can explore a thousand other things while youre waiting for an alignment of the planets or the sand to deplete enough on ash twin yeah?

You playing like a boring 10iq faggot is not my problem.

>An original concept doesn't make something good. And it isn't even an original concept.
i never said anything about it being original. my point is that no other game has built everything around the time loop concept to nearly the same extent.
maybe you'd understand what i mean if you weren't filtered

It's a gimmick walking sim.
Simple as.

Dark Bramble. I found the grave and was trying to get to the Vessel but kept dying to the anglerfish. Got annoying constantly dying when I barely tapped my engine to line up with a node opening. But I had been to most of the solar system by that point.

I loved Outer Wilds but it should be really easy to understand why some people will get very little out of it. Genre is important. I think too many people see other folks gushing about a game and get bummed out that they can't get the same rush. Sorry, but no matter how much people are raving about Game X and how it's a life-changing experience or whatever, if you don't find the basic activities of Game X interesting the magic isn't gonna work on you. Be resistant to hype, avoid FOMO, try to see the good in games instead of craving a high you might not get.

I liked it because these things combine nicely: 1) freedom, 2) some amount of "grounding" in physics and resource management (flying the ship, managing your oxygen), and 3) the follow-the-clues treasure hunt structure means you get a game that is top-to-bottom about science expeditions. Each time you go out, you learn a little more about what's out there and how to go further each time. For someone like me who enjoys reading about the real-life progression of the Apollo missions and similar, Outer Wilds gives you a cartoony sci-fi way to go through a series of experimental flights yourself. And everything in the game is trying to reinforce that sense of heading out into the sometimes-dangerous unknown, building on knowledge from previous expeditions. It lets the player do it "for real" and learn things, even if the simulation is very simple compared to the real world.

my friend got bored of the "tutorial" and never went to space

some people just dont want to use a small bit of the their brain power

A tip if you ever decide to go at it again: You don't need to touch the accelerator at all for most of it.

Attached: download.jpg (500x713, 113.47K)

it's a big giant meme.
it's so fucking boring that Any Forums is pretending it's a masterpiece just to bait people into playing it

If your reasoning wasnt fucking retarded, Id agree.