Fantasy game

>fantasy game
>technology level has been the same for like 10k+ years

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Tech is evil and corruptive.

It took thousands of years to go from using fire to making tools to planting crops

You're spoiled by the progress of the last two centuries

It's mostly true. We have cannons and proto-guns going back to the 9th/10th century but it's only in the last 2 centuries that they became more dangerous and useful than swords and bows. Medicine was considered witchcraft for a time, with countries now making up fake ass ancient medicines (China and their mercury stuffed shark fin soup with 0 nutritional value) when their actual medical history is either "I diagnose you with ghosts, do meth about it" or "Let me cut open this wound and stuff feces in it". The Greeks had drive through restaurants for lack of a better term. The industrial revolution and the 200 or so years its been since really fucked with peoples procession of time.

Because these stories and settings are taking place in a romanticized view of a particular period, retard.

>Find out in the final arc that technology is being artificially repressed by a benevolent goddess because every time humanity is allowed to progress too far they nuke themselves into the stone age
>You kill the goddess

Checks out. Life of an average person in 1800 was closer to life in Ancient Rome than it was to life in 1900.

Makes sense. What would you choose, current medicine or lvl 13 cleric who can cast greater restoration.


That’s part of the fantasy of the setting retard.

Do you know how little technology progressed in civilization from like 3000BC to the 1800s?

>sequel has the protagonist realizing he fucked up and replacing the role of the goddess

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>This house has ruled the North for 10k years

>He says on website, while using a computer to type his message

Well if you have magic to do crazy shit, to heal people you don't really have the drive to innovate.

everyone knows the driving force behind the television is to watch porn on it and the driving force behind the internet is to look up porn on it.

Suffering from a disease does not stop one from recognizing it as a disease, my microplastic-based friend.

>We live in a society
>I am very smart


>fantasy game
>swords and magic
>has cyborgs in space

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