It's 5 years today

say something about it

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You made me have faith in Sega one last time before they went back to disappointing me again. Thanks Mania.


I miss mania hype thrreads so goddamn much, Any Forumsros. The chase was unironically better than the catch.

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>the only good Sonic game in the last twenty five years was a nostalgia callback with his classic appearance that wasn't made by Sega

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really fun game, I wish SoJ/Sonic Team would stop being needlessly racist and just let them make Mania 2 but without the rehashed zones. Their attitude is so bizarre. Like, I get racism, but Sonic was made specifically to appeal to westerners more than Japanese, and western devs clearly understand what makes Sonic good more than the Japanese do. It's just kinda baffling and sad that they're willing to not make money and make fans sad instead of just letting them make another great game.

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it's been decompiled
looking forward to playing it on my chinky handheld

it finally got decompiled and ported to PC
time to play this son of a bitch finally

what does that mean

they disassembled the game and put it back together with documentation how how it is made

Sega won't let them make a sequel with all original stages so i retroactively hate it.

Sega allowed SoR4, so at least they seem to be aware that foreigners know what makes their franchises work more than they do. Here's hoping they don't stick to their xenophobic ways.

>half a decade later and still no hope for a sequel to be greenlit

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Best Sonic game is still a shitty game.

You've never played a Sonic game

Gimmicky mess, even more so than the Genesis ones.

So will anything good come out of that?

>announced SIX years ago
I remember being disappointed at the reveal because it wasn’t sonic 5, at least there were some original levels though

it can be ported to other platforms. there are versions for Vita and Linux floating around now, or you can build them yourself.
it'll also be easier to mod, but whether that leads to anything good depends on modders

I appreciate it for being a game made with love, but I'm not really a fan of Sonic in the first place. The Puyo Puyo boss was an inspired choice.

>Flying Battery
The two Metropolis gimmicks are also from S3K FBZ

I think Mania's issue of "the zones are just the same as the old ones" is really stupid, because Mania's "old" zones really have entirely new level designs and gimmicks, and the Act 2 is often totally aesthetically different from the first. They really should have been new zones entirely, though.

Sadly, yeah. I'm not going to blame this on the game cuz then I'd have to do the same to Generations.

SEGA is just shit, nuff said. SoA or any other company would fucking do better with Sonic.

because they are all like that

>it finally got decompiled and ported to PC
Linuxfags are pathetic. It's been on real PCs for over 5 years now.

>Mania has 5 new zones, 1 for each Hard-Boiled Heavy
I really feel like this was actually the case but a zone got cut somewhere along the line. Heavy Rider just being in Lava Reef for some reason whereas all the other Heavies are in new zones didn't really make much sense