What do you think of ai texture upscaling?

what do you think of ai texture upscaling?

Attached: aiupscaling.png (1920x1080, 2.86M)

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looks like an ai texture upscale

i don't think about it at all

Shit, if you need 8k textures on a random spoon made out of 2 polygons you're mentally ill.

This one looks pretty good, do you have an example of something with a more ornate and detailed design like armors and outfits?

its interesting, but if the characters and models are low quality then its like polishing a turd. no matter how high you up the definition, it still looks like shit

Looks like an indie game made by somebody without much design skill.

They're great if a human is picking and choosing which textures were upscaled well
When you have every single texture upscaled you get retarded shit like computer motherboards looking like they're made out of rocks

why don't we have AI model polygon upscaling yet?

Gross and unnecessary. Visual clutter does not make a game better.

Look, Any Forums. I AI upscaled this picture of TV static. Aren't you impressed?

Attached: zyro-image.jpg (2560x1440, 128.71K)

This is the problem. Looks weird as shit to have super crisp textures on some Mario 64 tier terrain

what you actually would do in real life scenario is run different versions of artificially upscaled thing, pick the best one and then correct it by hand.

Someone post the san andreas donut

It works, just don't zoom in really close

precisely. when I see mod authors just bulldoze the textures into the game and call it a day, drives me up a fucking wall dude.

AI improves fidelity at the cost of quality. Not worth it imo.

That's neat, I want TV static to look like that.

it's great for retro games.

Attached: ff7 ninostyle chibi world characters + remako AI backgrounds.jpg (1277x899, 300.18K)

It looks bad because geometry doesn't match. It looks exactly like what it is: someone applying high resolution textures over low poly models. It breaks the consistency of the graphics and looks jarring.

The thinking man's way to play older games is to just play at the resolution they were intended to be played at so go for 800x600 in 4/3 and you're golden. As a bonus it helps with UI scaling issues and renders pop-in and low draw distance virtually unnoticeable.

What do you mean?

Like anything AI-related, it's souless shit.

It's hit and miss with some things looking better after upscaling while others tend to look worse

here's another example, Final Fantasy IX

reminds me of early 2000s PC games like Mafia, Max Payne etc with low-poly models and hi-res textures, minus the soul

Now post one with text on it.

Looks awful. The environments have less depth of field and many of the assets that already looked like oil paint are now smudged to shit.

Morrowind Enhanced Textures doesn't upscale fonts, but OpenMW does support TrueType Fonts so there's hd recreations of the original fonts

Attached: 46854-1559483445-1960855046.png (1920x1080, 1.97M)

Ideally I'd prefer hand-made high-res textures. The problems for games like Skyrim, New Vegas, etc is that there's zero consistency. There might be decent textures for these things but not this other stuff over here. Or even if you get textures for everything, they're coming from different independent places and they end up clashing and looking awful. Not to mention what a pain in the ass it is going through line-by-line downloading a million different mods for every little fucking thing. Instead of just having one all-inclusive pack that actually synergizes well. For that reason I usually just go with moderately upscaled textures for games like those. Keep the vanilla look, make things a little sharper, less hassle. Less autism.