I will never buy nintendo games again

I will never buy nintendo games again

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Took you long enough.
Ive pirated every nintendo game I wanted to play for over 15 years now



The world would be a much better place without blacks or LGBTQ's. But whatever. Life always deals you a shit hand and you gotta make do with what you got.

lol no its TPCi not even TPC but its international not asian branch
gamefreak has nothing to do with it


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>pokemon black diaspora

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I dont know how anyone thought that the biggest IP in the world was going to escape "the message"

you're male and still play pokemon and animal crossing and shit?
do you also play the sims too? LOL
these environment nurturing / pet games are not for you on a biological level and if they appeal to you then you should probably get your hormone levels checked

I thought this was an offensive term


It is but they dont care.

It's all offensive.
You're literally singling out niggers because of the color of their skin, bringing attention to it and treating them in a certain way not because of the content of their character, but the color of their skin.
It's literally no better than straight-up being racist but they see it as powerful and I fucking guarantee a white faggot was behind the whole program.

kews arent white shitskin. once you figure that out it will make more sense.

Fuck Americans, this is their fault. Such a piece of shit country with the most retarded culture wars that never end. They literally make all their decisions based on tribalism and culture wars, it's fucking incredible. The most sensitive fucks in the world by far. Both your sides are like this, either degenerates or christfags. End yourselves, already.

>spent $5M a year for 5 years, which they earn in literally 5 minutes with merch sales
>put $1M in the US, 1 in the UK, 1 in europe, 1 in Australia, 1 in canada
>95% of that million goes into the pockets of organizers
>5% of the money is used to buy fried chicken to some nigs
>people on twitter clap
>pokemon gets a huge pr win basically for free

Why wouldnt they do this? It makes perfect sense, free good press.

>the pokemon company
>I will never buy nintendo games again
why is conflating tpc/nintendo and game freak/nintendo so common?

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The last "Nintendo" game I bought I believe was Doom 64. Maybe jewtendo should make it harder to pirate their games.

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make me, fag

Is it still ok when Nintendo does it?


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It never was, that was a forced meme by snoys when they saw they were losing.
Same as the nintendo bonus

What the shit, LMFAO!

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lol stfu tendiepedomanchild faggot

its okay when tendo does it
manchildren have special standards only when the game is not made by tendo

Why do you keep buying their shit then?


its hilarious that a country that has a history of destabilizing countries around the world keeps acting like the world police
these faggy ass libtards dont care about the millions of lives that have seen their countries fall apart, only their degenerate globalist agenda matters to them

>white people make pokemon big
>now they use your money to support nogs and faggotry of all kind

Pirate everything or you are a nigger / troon and faggot supporter.

Correct take

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>Advertises this shit with Wormadam