Mutiplayer game i enjoy playing

>mutiplayer game i enjoy playing
>no queue system
>download discord
>go to channel
>last message was from last week
>someone asking if someone wanted to play
>ask if someone wants to play
>no replies

How do i find people where discord fails? Twitter?

Attached: 2111.jpg (632x220, 8.93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No one wants to play this stupid children video game, grow up

A smooth janny dab

tell us the game so we can laugh at you for wanting to play some janky ass 2000s game with zoomers on Discord Chat For Gamers

>>last message was from last week
i see it has become a worthy irc successor after all

From what ive heard from it, i was expecting a very very active platform like every single teenager under 18 glued to it 24/7.

maybe try to play a game that isn't fucking dead

Ok, should i play roblox or fortnite?

maybe try not being a passive aggressive faggot

Seriously, tried vrchat but isnt fun and too many too young kids.
I may give roblox i try or falls guys.

Newest game ive played recently is lol.

>complain about young kids
>considering roblox
don't do this, same for falls guys
What kind of game are you looking for

Mutiplayer with low skill cap.

Looks like you believed the ever-whining boomers a bit too hard.

Thats pretty fucking wide

>makes a thread about nobody wanting to play some dead obscure multiplayer game
>lashes out at Fortnite, Minecraft, VRChat, Roblox without anyone else bringing them up
rent free boomer

tiktok also not that popular too? I really believed that 99% of the kids used it.

how old are you faggot

they exist but like everything in life you need to search for it, used to be on one from here that was pretty comfy and had weekend vidia and movie nights but it died out of nowhere (usually because people get banned by discord themselves).
There are many kinds of discord groups, the big ones with people constantly talking, avoid those, they are usually plagued with unironicall trannies and mentally ill powerhungry mods, the lowkey hidden ones that usually get posted here or /vg/ every once in a while, those are usually the good ones.
Want a hotfix for something and discord is the only answer outside of a dead forum with rapidshare and megaupload links? Just join, check the faq or pings, nothing there? just ask nicely, works 90% of the time, after you are done just leave.

Attached: 1660452429786487 1638699481190.jpg (1080x1099, 125.62K)

much like Any Forums discord is only good for porn and whining about politics

The polls section of the Any Forums discord has quite a bit of interesting user data.

The server is +18 only so anyone whose age is below 18 is unable to enter.

If they lie and get found out, they are kicked from server.

You don't want underage on the server.

Pol and soc fags are the worst.
Legit toxic mental illness that infects communities.

Attached: Screenshot_20220815-190735_Discord.jpg (971x9873, 1.66M)

i respect Any Forumsicenz but that looks so fucking gay

>/x/ is the most popular board
my sides