Not even trans want Bridgette to be trans

Not even trans want Bridgette to be trans

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These people should be institutionalized

OP is a pickme, they don't represent trans people as a whole

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You should be able to solve this

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Wtf I thought trans people were a hivemind and that online discourse is a 1:1 representation of reality.

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Both the trannies and the faggots addicted and in love with the freaks should be institutionalized.

Trannies trying to appropriate the term pickme?

>I am silly

>You’re not a real tranny if you don’t agree with the tranny hivemind
Fuck off retard

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Dude her name is literally written in the fucking image
Mah gawd does nobody here actually play guilty gear!?

>another thread

Not everyone speaks Americanese, chud

Transgender ideology is built on self hatred and the religious worship of shallow, sexist stereotypes. It teaches people that they were born wrong if they're a girl who likes kickball or a boy who likes having long hair and cooking. There's no reason a man can't fulfill the same roles and adopt the same traditions as a woman, and vice versa. There's no reason to "change" your "gender" in the first place because "genders" ought to be equally able to pursue their passions. The concept of gender identity is inherently sexist and limiting. It's built on bigotry. The man who came up with "gender identity" is a murderer who caused two boys to kill themselves. In reality all we have is biological sex. Your sex doesn't determine your hobbies, your roles, your fashion or your personality. You choose those things. As an individual. Isn't that a better, more free world? One where sex is all that exists and people are free to pursue whatever they want regardless of their sex? "Gender" is a needless restriction and it does not serve as a genuine identity. The logical progression of breaking down the differences leads to tomboys and femboys. It leads to people who don't let their biological sex influence their hobbies or fashion. The transgender cult is all about building up those limitations and enforcing them so strictly that any little boy who so much as glances at a Barbie doll gets put on hormone blockers so that he can be railroaded into becoming "a girl" because "only girls like dolls". We used to have a culture that said "if you're a boy you ought to like sports" and now we have a culture that says "if you like sports you ought to become a boy". We skipped right over the healthy, rational middleground that says there's no reason a girl can't play kickball with her friends without mutilating herself and taking testosterone.

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>It's another "LOOK NOT ALL TRANNIES ARE BAD" astroturfing thread
What would make a "good" tranny in your eyes, Any Forums?

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He would have to detransition and then vocally campaign against the tranny cult and explain to people that they're all groomers and that nobody is "transgender" because the ideology is fake.

well maybe they would but your hero ronald reagan closed the insane asylums and loosed all the mentally ill people out onto the fucking streets. and then you guys liked all the garbage that he did to our nation that you voted for ronald reagan 2.0. like a bunch of fucking morons. when you see the damage these retards did 30 years from now what will you tell yourself? IT WAS THE LIBS

idk what a pickme is, but given that the tranny in OPs pick pre-emptively thought it was going to brought up, im going to assume it's a diversion thing that the tranny group throws at dissenters

>"Hey we need a trans person even though we already have Testament for that!"
>"I know, let's take the character whose entire arc is that they wanted to prove that they could be a man no matter how they dressed or looked and make them a girl, destroying their entire character development, creating uncomfortable associations with grooming, and reinforcing gender stereotypes all for the sake of pandering to the current rainbow flag color of the month!"

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>gatekeeping transphobia
same energy as the people who use the term ironic lolicon


This is one of the cringiest, most mentally gymnastic'd things I've seen from trannies.

IMHO trannies don't bother me as long as they are honest about their biological reality instead of lying and deluding themselves that somehow there is no difference between them and biological women, and screeching if others don't play along with it. The fact that a troon felt the need to make a comic to demonstrate a fantasy that most sane people would look at and say "you're crazy," shows how insane these people actually are.

at least they are officially going after the somewhat sensible trannies and the ones that just want help with their actual mental illness. As soon as they go through with completely cutting them off, the remaining movement will not only have no basis in reality, but it wont have any basis in morality(which even now it doesn't really have)

People of transient sexuality...
You come to my board... Shit it up and have a pissing match with anons all over my walls...
And yet you don't even bring me any coom material? Even the furries are more cordial.
I really don't think this relationship is going to work out at all.

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The only good lizard, is a dead lizard.


That kinda defeats the point, since they wouldn't be a tranny anymore.
The question was:
>What would make a "good" tranny in your eyes, Any Forums?

I have been in Thailand in 2011 and visited tranny show just out of interest, all of them had make-up, plastic surgeries and looked pretty, except for one who was purposely set-up as half women half man. Overall were looking like women at least. I think you can see Adams apple upclose so. Don't remember if I talked to one after the show, probably no. They treat trannies as business and quite often as prostitutes as I heard from tour guide. I think Americans really fucked up witg all that LGBT shit.
That's all I wanted to say about this topic

a tranny that keep her mouth closed

Strive doesn't even say Bridget is trans. It's literally 10 mentally ill autistic faggots on twitter. Bridget says "I'm a girl" to tease Goldlewis but the most basic of nuance is lost on people who cannot understand human interaction. They changed Bridget's wikipedia entry and locked the page due to literally 1 line said as a joke.

one that shuts the fuck up like a normal human being instead of constantly shoving their dirty laundry in your face. can't send a fucking message in discord without explicitly knowing some hyper faggots 'pronouns' because they dont just correct you they get egregiously upset (especially if there are pronoun roles!)

She should be more accepting of former eggs


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It's not a not all trannis are bad.
It's a Twitter is full of trannies so don't listen to twitter

Nothing, then. All trannies are inherently evil because the ideology they follow is evil.

My brother. Goddamn is he a retard half the time but at least the goal is to just live as a man and not draw attention for special treatment.

He's way more conservative than most people I know.