Boot up game

>boot up game
>play 5-10 minutes
>get extremely bored and quit
>boot up another game
>same thing happens
I hate depression so much, it took out all the joy from everything.

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Please respond, none of my threads ever get any attention…

why do you post this depressing shit
this sint even depression you're just bored

you should post a twitter screencap next time

>le depression
fix your sleep. all cases of depression are fixed with good sleep. then you will enjoy games again

Look mate. Stop being a woman.

You know what you need to do to fix your life deep down. All that's left is to act on it instead of feeling sorry about yourself.

Change your mindset and vidya will be fun again.

Try playing a better game

Take a break man or get other hobbies. Work out, take your dog for a walk, watch a show/ movie you've been putting off. Then come back if you feel like it.
>fix your sleep
This is big too. We all get into ruts user, but sometimes you need to step back and just do something different.

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Yeah that's either depression or you're playing shit games. The latter can very easily be addressed.

I have come to despise anyone who medicates their depression by choosing the same self-defeating treatment of pointlessly whining to the void and then retreating back into dopamine spiking and substance abuse. At least potheads are more fun to hang out with. Fuck off and seek actual help, retard. I have enough fucking idiot friends like you that I constantly have to worry about without having to see random internet nobodies all the time.

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I am though? I'm literally using all the help available to me but it doesn't magic away the illness.

Same, most games are shit these days and I think I'm getting too old for new zoomer vidya. I need money for hobbies.

Can you spend time and energy on something else? If so, you might not be depressed. If you're just laying in bed all day doing nothing, not even learning anything, etc., then you might be. But scrolling Any Forums is an activity, if you're learning something and enthusiastic about what you're reading, or reading it for humor, etc.

Depression isn't real, stop being a pussy faggot.

Not really. I've done therapy, been in the psych ward, on meds, everything. Sometimes a game catches my attention and I can play it for weeks straight but those moments are very rare.

thanks doctor user-kun

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The only thing in this world that can legitimently make you happy is yourself. Just because life sucks shit harder than normal doesn't mean you should let it get to you. There is no how-to when being happy or content. You simply do. Now go play Persona and force yourself to stick with it. It'll provide sufficient escapism for you.

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it's not just that, modern games are also shitty

Same user, just that the issue was that all games were shit.
Maybee stop booting up bad games

Maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you that it's time for change.

Try playing kenshi. That was one of the last games I played for a bunch of hours before depression hit me too.

>Think about playing game all day
>Never do it
>Remember how much of a pain in the ass it is(a chore really) to start a new play through
>Never touch the game again
>Old game I want to play with mods
>Mods that you use to use are now outdated
>Need to buy shitty dlcs to use other more current mods
>Barely any good mods, it's all coomer trash
Wtf is there to even play these days? It's all fucking trash.

go to the doctor and get prescribed meds for the depression.
you wont regret it
this is your sign

you're an ADHD zoomer who needs to be rewarded every 10 seconds
tiktok is right up your alley

I don't really know what makes me happy anymore. I guess I keep trying to force myself to enjoy games like before when it's clearly not working but there isn't much else I want to do either. Supposedly the key is just to do things anyway and motivation will come.
I appreciate your reply though!

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Listen to music. I like to listen to music in the dark it sets the mood.

unironically? like i have shitty sleep and i have not been enjoying lately.

>stop fapping so much
>get some sunlight on your skin every day
>stop eating mcmeals and cook something healthy
>bonus: do some strength exercise
problem solved
tl;dr stop being a lil bitch