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>i couldnt get through elden ring it was too hard so this is my GOTY instead
Journos are a mistake

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elden ring is fucking boring man.

the cope of the elden ringless nincel

>Two gorgeous games
GOTY is a westoid meme for journalosers

Nintendies coping as usual because they can't play Elden Ring.

I'm not the biggest fan of Elden Ring, and I even prefer Nintendo games, but you'd need fifteen layers of delusion to argue a fucking monotonous slog like Xenoblade deserves ANY GOTY award.

Unironically hard mode Moebius B is harder than any Elden Ring boss.

>a reader argues

99% of modern journalism is finding a dumb fucking opinion on the internet and pretending it's thought-provoking instead of just a mildly outrageous stance to put in a headline

>my cinematic experience is better than your cinematic experience

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I'm sure the other 5 people that played XC3 would agree

>Tranime moviegame with scroll down and select "Play Furfag Cutscene" gameplay is better than roll-n'-poke.

Game of the year is always something release near the end of the year because people's brainfog doesn't let them recall anything past the latest game everyone was hyped about on social media.

beaten both
i agree, xbc3 is a better game

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Don't forget the other 5 that quit playing it after the first chapter because it's boring as shit.

beaten both
I disagree, ER is the better game

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Nah, XBC3 is pretty boring. It peaks at the end of Chapter 5, and deflates right after the start of 6. Final area, and ending are just boring. 1, X, and 2 all got better as the game went on, but 3 falls flat on it's face. Everything after Chapter 5 feels rushed.

at this point, nintendo fans are just mobage players. I do not value the angry birds audiences input on games. It is worthless to me.

>Not snoytranny shit
That's fine.

I've played every XB game except 3 and couldn't finish a single one. I was engrossed by Elden Ring until the end, even if I admittedly have no desire to go back to it. Xenoblade fans must have a serious amount of tolerance for bullshit.

Tendies have no games so they have to cope.

I hear you. Tried playing the series myself, and it is frustrating how handholdy and cinematic it is. It's more of a movie than TLOU and Uncharted, which is an accomplishment (even if it's abhorrent)

What causes someone to sit down and say "I hate video games and want to watch 500 hours of cutscenes"?

xenoblade games are much easier to finish than elden ring
i'm still stuck running around in ER

>A single reader said a thing
>this is the basic for an article

what dogshit website is this lmao