When and why did the west stop making attractive female characters?

When and why did the west stop making attractive female characters?

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news.berkeley.edu/2010/03/01/frogs/#:~:text=Atrazine, one of the world's,of California, Berkeley, biologists.

When did they start? Eastern devs know how to make hot women. Western devs are meh at best

Around the Samus controversy

>when did they start

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Around the time they found out it was funny to watch Any Forums whine about them endlessly

>why do women wear clothing like that?
>why aren't women wearing clothing like that anymore?

Make up your damn minds.

Every girl from this 2004 game bodies every girl collectively from every game made this year worldwide

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The Witcher 3?

Who in their right mind would consider porn "attractive?"

That looks like a fucking Second Life avatar

The jews at BlackRock demanded it

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When investor money tells you not to make attractive women anymore.

> pleasing or appealing to the senses.
> "an attractive village"

Most porn is attractive then? Who jacks it to unappealing porn? Are you looking up fat ugly bastard porn then specifically slap boxing your pecker to the ugly bastard

Is this the new schizo boogeyman?

Do people really find that clothing attractive? I have never been turned on by a woman wearing that kind of stuff. I could look at that picture for hours and feel nothing from it.

It's actually the ultimate schizo boogeyman and everything that's wrong with society can be directly tied to Blackrock. They're like the gigasoros.

No the lingerie market is all a massive scam run by lizard people who want to sell 5mm square of fabric for $100. Moron.


no boogeyman, real entity and everything the schizo's spout is actually true this time.
remember when Alex Jones said the chemicals were turning the frogs gay and he ended up being right?
it's equivalent to that.

>>why do women wear clothing like that?
those people weren't playing games

The best bogeymen are those that are real and powerful. That way you can just exaggerate their reach instead of making it up.

What do you mean he was right? There aren't any chemicals that turn frogs gay, frogs just mount anything they can while in heat, kind of like dogs.

news.berkeley.edu/2010/03/01/frogs/#:~:text=Atrazine, one of the world's,of California, Berkeley, biologists.
eat it, science denier

Because that character is more realistic as an human body not stylized like anime.

That's it. You just don't like real woman, period.

Other thing is if you saw a man face no tits short hair, then yes.

But here I see a female face feminine haircut and BREASTS.

Are western girls uglier by nature?
That's on people's taste.

If you think that good for you

The government is putting chemicals in the water that turns frogs gay is not the same thing as a persticide can cause frogs to become hermaphrodites.

Very compelling examples you posted.

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Hamburger Helper was a turning point, look it up.

>there is substances in the water interfering with the sexuality of frogs
you probably frown on pedants too

>Uhm leave the multi-trillion dollar firm alone chuds!
Absolute state of modern leftists

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How to get video games development back into the hands of the little men?

It's true to an extent.
Blockrock is a private entity run by Larry Fink. It is by far the single largest financial entity in the entire world, nothing comes close. And normally, that would be the end of it, except years back Larry Fink came out and said, "Hey, we're going to use our money to change America."
So now you have a massive financial conglemeration that has been repurposed to push specific agendas. And again, that wouldn't matter...except they control the purse strings for a lot of investing. Want financial backing for your start up? Better toe the line on ESG (AKA social justice causes but they won't admit that.) You a major corporation looking for funds to expand? Better move your company to be more "diverse." And it gets worse, because Larry Fink pushes other businesses to embrace more diversity on their boards (even though his own is full of old white men and Jewish people), so you end up with major corporations with literal diversity hires sitting on their boards.
It's no coincidence that companies have taken such a deep dive into social justice causes even when they're proving to be outright failures. Just look at Disney and all their recent endeavors. Their movie and show business is an absolute disaster, fucking Star Wars is a joke of all things, yet they continue on because they can afford to thanks to all the money they get from Daddy Larry.
Now, mind you, there's been some active push back against this kind of thing in recent years. Blackrock can't prop up the entirety of all media, for example. Some media companies are looking at the failures of Disney and realizing go woke go broke isn't just a meme. But until Blackrock is forcibly broken up (if it ever happens) or see a significant decline in it's financial might (will take decades), they will continue to have an outsized influence on what companies do when it comes to social causes.
And to be fair, that's no different then what the Koch Brothers, Rupert Murdoch or Soros do.