Iwata truly was an amazing man

Iwata truly was an amazing man

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i cry for him every day bros
it's not fair...

when i fuck up at work I come home and take it out on my family but nobody makes a reddit image for me

Iwata and Reggie were the only things keeping Nintendo afloat. Now they're both gone the company is just going to shit.

He was taken from us too soon
And he is still sorely missed

i miss this man like you wouldn't believe

Real shame he passed away in the wake of the Wii U's failure and never lived to see the success of the Switch.

damn so instead of making 50 million he only made 25 million. what a sacrifice...

nah that's nothing. when wiiu bombed miyamoto went to pachinko hall and bought everyone there champagne and whores.
nintendo employees weren't invited.

Seeing his name in the credits for Breath of the Wild brought me actual tears

Under him
>Controllers never drifted
>Online was free
>Lot more variation in the games produced
Nintendo lost its soul when he passed

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Hey, that's still miles ahead of the typical thing CEOs do which is to fire half of the staff instead.

Most CEOs will burn the company to the ground before they even think about having less money

Too bad he never got to see the Switch take off.

Alot of ceos do that, they dont make their money on the salary anyway because its taxed so heavily, it's tax free bonuses.



Wow he only took home 2 million instead of 4 million what a brave and selfless man, powerful. Thanks for OKing NSO before you left us

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What was going through iwatas head as he died?

bing bing wahoo

Compressing Pokémon gold cost me half my lifespan

Iwata was very much involved in the decline as well. It was pretty obvious Iwata didn't know what he was doing when the 3DS came out. Nintendo struck it big with the Wii and DS, but a lot of that was kind of in spite of Iwata. Reggie was really the one who pushed the Blue Ocean Strategy and it seemed like he understood it the best. Nintendo really didn't know what to do with the Wii once the recession hit, which is why Wii went from being 50 percent of the gaming market to lagging. The Wii technology was presented to Nintendo by someone else, and Yamauchi was the one who pushed for the DS (Iwata was actually against the idea, mind you the DS is also the best selling Nintendo handheld). The 3DS was one of the biggest losers for the company as they had to immediately slash the price. This was a system that was getting releases for 8 years and it still sold 10M less than the GBA which was on the market for 4. And we don't need to talk about the Wii U. Even something as simple as Nintendo Directs improved when he was out of the picture. They wanted to make them these silly sketch things rather than making them about the games. Outside of the E3 ones, they were always dumb and cringy.

If you want to blame someone for the Switch's success, that would be Kimishima. Kimishima was the head of the company for a year and a half before the Switch released, and he changed the company's image spectacularly and he addressed the Wii U's biggest issue of having no games. If Iwata was still alive, he would have fucked it up, and that's evident that his biggest successes were thrusted upon him. Even Reggie deserves more credit for the Wii and DS's success than Iwata does.

Reggie can fucking die in a ditch. He did nothing but ruin NOA