How do I get good at building? I've had an itch to play a modded world...

How do I get good at building? I've had an itch to play a modded world, but I always end up dropping them because I dont like building houses/storage buildings and end up having nothing to do with all the resources I get.

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>I dont like building houses
you cant really get good at it if you dont enjoy doing it

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>modnigger has no creative drive
many such cases!

At first just try to rebuild what other people built. Try to train your skills first and dont use your own creativity at first. Also build stuff you actually like.

Minecraft without mods might just be among the most boring games out there

You don't have to build things that are solely houses or storage buildings, then. Make other things and attach relevant storage to them, slap a few small bedrooms wherever you like.

I mean to say I dont like it because I think they turn out bad usually
Thanks, ill try that

god i love etho so much

>Minecraft without mods might just be among the most boring games out there
Uh huh, sure, that's why the modded general is full of autists screeching at each other rather than showcasing cool builds right?

>generals indicate anything about the actual game
As the fuck if

People who play modded never stick to it, it makes the early/mid-game too easy to the point you have far too many resources with no use for them (especially since most modniggers are creativelets)

I just want a modpack that really combines the need for automation and/or magic to actually progress the bosses and dungeons
Most packs feel like you can accomplish all of the bosses+dungeons just using the most basic set of diamond gear without enchantments
Where is the pack that requires me investing heavily into automated factories or magical shit to even attempt the bosses or dungeons? I'd like RPG leveling to be excluded if possible

You're probably overwhelmed by the amount of choice you can make.
Try multiplayer instead.

It isn't quite automation, but if you want to be required to use the mod's materials to progress, terrafirmacraft makes you progress slowly through it's tiers. I believe there's packs like terrafirmapunk that add a bit more to do as well.

Most modded players being autists doesnt make vanilla any better. When Im back home I will post my current base

If that's the only real answer, guess I should just play the standalone game at this point. Have avoided it for a long time

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Let's be realistic here, most people that play minecraft regularly are autistic. Modfags channel their autism into automation whilst vanillafags channel it into creative building. Modders that actually try to make an aesthetically pleasing base are rare.

>early/midgame is too easy
Nigger, vanilla's early/midgame is at fault here. Wood-stone-iron tool progression takes like an hour, fucking tops. Diamond can take a bit longer but that's it.
So the world's deeper and it's slower to mine at diamond height now? That doesn't really change much as far as actual difficulty, in practice.

That's why I go full dwarf and dig into mountains

Diamond is now a joke thanks to the 60+ random chests in ships or temples that spawn it. Vanilla Minecraft has gotten only easier as time goes on. Not sure how people enjoy it still.

iron hasn't been midgame for almost a decade, diamond is midgame now. Netherite set and elytra is the true end-game set. Gathering diamonds is easier than it used to be, as long as you've found a deep underwater cave you're all set - the generation rules mean that exposed diamonds are far easier to find there. Plus, there's all the loot you can get which have a reasonable chance of diamonds too. Every village I ever visit has a few diamonds right there for free.

You could still get to MC engame in a single session

Sure, if you're a no-fun-allowed speedrunner

Do you seriously never use mods user? Not even for fun?

sure but realistically all you really need for 99.9% of the game is dia
once you have that and some enchanting going, the world is really your oyster from there
hell, you can finish the game naked using beds if you really wanted

The only times I've used modpacks was on a modded server with friends, I would never play a long-term modded game as they're only fun in short bursts.
Your first mistake is caring about reaching the ending, I only bother with the end to go to end cities. Giving a sandbox game an ending was a mistake, minecraft was not meant to have a goal.

honestly just try and built stuff other people have built
there's a commonplace practice of building a large cube as the base of the house, then dividing that cube down into smaller cubes to make rooms, halls, etc, essentially just creating a blueprint for the house
then from there, you detail the building once you have a foundation laid, and you can really get deep and creative with detailing if you leave room to do so
I suck dick at building myself and that system genuinely helps me get something together