Monster Hunter

How would you rate the three lords?

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Monke just wants to be left alone

Golm > Luna > Mal

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Malzeno and the 2 cool jobbers

Does recovery up affect bloodblight?

Lunagaron is too easy. Monkey carted me a few times with his rare move

Is LBG the ultimate chad weapon?
>Doesnt rely on faggot blocking/shields
>Doesnt rely on iframe bullshit
>Doesnt deus vault like an autist
>Uses ammos that hit moderately
>Very little defense

Name a more chadder weapon. Ill wait

Which GS is better, the Lucent Narga or the Kamura?

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theyre probably the best fights in the game, Malzeno is fuckin amazing

I love all three of them, but Monke is just a slow monster
It's fine, but he's just a little vulnerable
And all Garons are forever cursed to have generous hitboxes
Still love both of them. Not every monster needs to be up your taint 24/7

pretty fun
he's aight

so are we getting nothing but subs from now on or will we actually get something new like brachy?
i don't want a mizu or espinas sub like people are speculating

Might be my favorite fight
Very cool looking and a pretty interesting mid-tier difficulty mon
Did a great job at being a werewolf but it's way too easy to dodge.

doggo sexo

fix garagolm's tracking, he literally cannot hit you
fix lunagaron's hitbox, same thing, he can't hit you
fix large size malzeno's tracking, he overshoots attacks too hard

I would love a mizu variant that isn't apex, but I doubt it. I would hope gammoth and glavenus come back instead

>finish killing afflicted astalos
>all 3 randos cart to non afflicted rathalos

Golm is too slow in general and too easy in comparison to a lot of the dangerous monsters. I also wish his Frankenstein x Golem inspiration was more obvious.
Both him and Luna need a variant of some kind to make them extra scary in my opinion.


always do the non afflicted first so people don't kill themselves trying to heal through a nonexistant blight

Help me decide what weapon to use in each game as I replay them with my Risebab friends:
Maybe Long Sword?
Charge Blade or Insect Glaive?
Currently using SA

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