When will real AI finally be widely implemented in videogames?

When will real AI finally be widely implemented in videogames?

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How do I get Stable Diffusion?

You had to sign up for the beta when it was open. Now you gotta wait until they do a public release.

Not in the near future. There is no point in generating assets at runtime.

AI will first see use in engines where it will create animations, geometry and textures. Imagine opening Unity 2041 and typing /create "PBR" "16k" "Arid red rock surface with speckles of lead ore" and the AI just generates a complete material and shader node setup with all appropriate maps.

I never heard of it until last week

How about true adaptive difficulty? Enemies that actually learn, develop new strategies, etc. in real time?

Not gonna happen with neural networks because you still need to train them beforehand, basically forcing you to retrain it with every small change and patch. Also you lose all control over it, while creating framework parameters is doable you'd need to retrain it if it ever starts behaving in unwanted or exploiting ways.

how has ai image generation come so far in just a year

Unironically, the jews.

Seeing how quickly artists turned into luddites because of half competent AI is the highlight of my day

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Which AI let's me serach for porn?

Why are artists going into MELTDOWN mode over this? The AI still needs fresh art to draw inspiration from, it doesn't actually create anything new

They know that they themselves do not create anything new, they just remix what better artists create. So they know that the AI is designed to do THEIR job specifically.

That's a terrible idea. In singleplayer you want a somehow predictable and limited AI, not something that will obliterate you and not even give you the chance to learn.

You can use craiyon.

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>In singleplayer you want a somehow predictable and limited AI
Says who?
>something that will obliterate you and not even give you the chance to learn
Unnecessary extreme.

give me prompts

You realize the AI is literally just mashing pre-existing works together, right? It's not "learning" or "creating" anything, there's fucking watermarks and signatures in half the shit AI churns out. This is why artists are getting into a tiff, they worry this will become a copyright loophole.

Not mutual exclusive, chess ML engines have levels of difficulty to a point you can quite casually play against them. Or crank them up into utterly perfect territory and advance chess theory.

High quality digital drawing of Digimon MetalGreymon, dynamic action angle

If you were listed as an artist who an AI could generate art in the style of, that would pretty blatantly be taking your job. Why commission them if an AI can just generate it in an instant?

I'm not an artist but I think that's pretty self-explanatory.

Just change your artstyle dumbass
Alternatively learn a real trade lol

Why isn't he in borderlands? I'd assume the hipsters on fucking gearbox would cream their pants if they got a proper british actor to play one of their terribly written pseudo-foreign villains


I have Dall-E 2 already, but I want to do some prompts in SD to compare the two

sucks to be them but unfortunately the market doesn't value equal or inferior products at a higher cost
capitalism is a bitch

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Dall-E 2 is neutered as fuck. Avoids copyright infringement, won't allow any no-no words, randomly inserts the words "black" and "woman" to "diversify" outputs.