ITT: we predict what will be the next vidya character to come out as trans

ITT: we predict what will be the next vidya character to come out as trans

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ellie in the last of us 3
you know i'm right

>There's so many Bridget threads!

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I fucking love chicks with dicks

op is a faggot

>troon self-inserters ("she's literally me") vs femboy self-inserters ("he's literally me")
>troons ("gender ≠ sex") vs chuds ("gender = sex")
>weebs ("otokonoko is not x") vs troons
>weebs ("otokonoko is not y") vs femboys
>femboys ("crossdressing is based") vs chuds ("crossdressing is degenerate")
>gays self-inserters ("Bridget is gay icon") vs straight lorefags ("Bridget's not gay, his sexual orientation is unknown")
>gays self-inserters ("Bridget is gay icon") vs ultramasc gays ("shitty character, gays don't need more effeminate representation")
the absolute state of Any Forums

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A collosal one at that

If you play as a female character in any rpg or mmorpg and you are a male, guess what. You are a fucking troon.

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>Local man finds out roleplaying exists
I played an argonian in skyrim. does that mean I'm a lizard

i prefer the female sprite in Legend of Mana

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I do that but I'm not. Dumbass frogposter.

>Any Forums pass

unironically how did they get away with this scene

Cloud. FF7R is already fucking up OG's story anyway

Why does Any Forums even out their pass users like that

because they laugh at them like the rest of us

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it was a different time

extremely hot take on Any Forums but frankly only thing I dislike about the transes is the obsessive stating that they are trans.
Like I just want this shit to normalize to point we almost were with the gays that a trans popping up does not cause fucking shitstorm of "discourse".


Wouldn't even care. That overrated faggot unironically fights with a diaper on.

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