Street Fighter 6

I legit don't get how people can praise this game for looking "good".
The artstyle direction is so fucking terrible. The effects whenever someone does a CA attack look like vomit. All the characters look so overdesigned and hideous. The music is complete ass, too.
Seriously, this is hot garbage. Is it just capcom shills, or fightingfags just have really low standards?

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no meant? no kolin?
i will not buy this

>All the characters look so overdesigned and hideous.

I agree. Also notice these characters have ridiculous long hairstyles which will look even worse because of Capcom's terrible hair physics.

the newcomers outside of maybe the mexican chick all look really bad, and if they're gonna look as good as black girl does then i'm even more fearful.
fucking hell whats that she-beast from italy going to end up looking like? its gonna make blanka look human

The art style looks very appropriate for Street Fighter. SF V looked more like a kids Anime, while SF6 looks like paintings influenced by Fist of the North Star. I'm getting this game as soon as it comes out.

Arcsissies are utterly broken.

All 8 of the original SF 2 characters look ultra cool!

Maybe they want to be optimistic? I don't think there's anything worth trashing about a game that hasn't come out yet. The art style is the least of my concerns for this. I agree that the music is bad though.

This is the best a SF cast of characters has ever looked, fight me.

The drawing versions look fine, everyone looks fucking awful in game though except for Jamie and Guile who just look okay. Don't know how they went from that decently proportioned concept art of Kimberley to the stretched out and inflated monstrosity in the trailer.

I think the music will get better, if they bring in more remixes of the classic SF2 music I'll be fine.

Half the roster looks like contrived dogshit but at least the World Warriors, Jamie, Luke, Juri, and Ed seem ok.

Lots of globohomo sadly, but at least I can beat them all to death.

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I agree with you, they look great!!

This guy gets it.

Who the fuck wants to play as whacky Brazilian electric jungle man anymore

Give me cool characters. This isn’t a cartoon.

im sorry about your shit taste

15 returning characters

7 newcomers, of which, 1 is a decent yun/yang stand-in, the other is a shitty Walmart version Guy. One is almost guarunteed to be a disturbing tranny... which leaves us with 5 newcomers. 5 chances left for Capcom to disappoint me.

PS Rashid's gameplay is wack and he's a Mary Sue.

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>the newcomers outside of maybe the mexican chick
shes literally thew worst you mongoloid

Blanka represents Brazil perfectly. Electric eels, electric rays, and the electric stargazer are all from Brazil.

this artist should get a real job

no one cares, cummbrain

I don't like weapon characters generally, especially Falke.

I have a feeling the Mexican chick is going to just be a mini T. Hawk.

I'm already looking forward to the lifespan of SF6 and how many additional characters will we have. I'm hoping we could get a Filipino/ / Malaysian martial Artist who does Kali or Silat. 0jdk4